Concept Admin Config - Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin GitHub Wiki

❗️ 3.2.0 changes [dev, stage]

click here!
  • Added support for bulk changes, delete, compare&replace and change status
    "contextMenu": {
        "delete": true,
        "compareAndReplace": true,
        "changeStatus": {
            "OCProperty": "ConceptImStatusFull",
            "options": [
                    "label": "draft",
                    "key": "imext:draft"
                    "label": "canceled",
                    "key": "stat:canceled"
                    "label": "usable",
                    "key": "stat:usable"
                    "label": "withheld",
                    "key": "stat:withheld"

❗️ 3.1.0 changes [dev, stage]

click here!
  • Added support for adding, editing and deleting same as links (requires OC config with "same as" properties)
    "propertyMap": {
        "sameAs": "ConceptSameAs",
        "sameAsType": "ConceptSameAsType",
    "sameAsTypes": [
            "label": "Example category",
            "type": "x-example/category",
            "defaultValue": "my://example/categories/" **optional**
            "label": "My other example",
            "type": "x-example/section"

❗️ 3.0.0 changes

click here!
  • Added support for changing concept type after creation (requires new field to fully update associated concepts)
    "propertyMap": {
        "associatedWithMe": {
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "property": "ConceptAssociatedWithMeRelations",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"

❗️ 2.0.0 changes

click here!
  • Added support for byline upload
    "uploadAvatar": {
        "org": "YOUR_ORG",
        "endpoint": "YOUR_ENDPOINT",
        "authorization": "YOUR_AUTHORIZATION"

❗️ 1.4.0 changes

click here!
  • Added support for setting default values for Status, Notes in created new Concept.
    "createConceptDefaultValues": {
        "status": "STATUS_KEY", //ex: "stat:usable"
        "note": "MY_DEFAULT_CONCEPT_NOTE"

❗️ 1.3.0 changes

click here!
  • Added support for channel/section types
    "conceptTypes" : {
        "channel": {
            "id": "channel",
            "type": "channel",
            "icon": "feed"
        "section" : {
            "id": "section",
            "type": "section",
            "icon": "flag"
  • Added associated with relation (required extra config + OC config)
    ""propertyMap"": {
        "associatedWith": {
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "property": "ConceptAssociateRelations",
                "name": "ConceptName",
                "type": "ConceptImType",
                "typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
                "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
                "status": "ConceptStatus",
                "avatar": {
                    "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                    "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                    "uuid": "uuid",
                    "filename": "Filename"

❗️ 1.2.0 changes

click here!
"conceptTypes" : {
	"xxxxxxxxx": {
		"id": "xxxxxx",
        "type": "xxxxxx", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version <1.2.0
        "icon": "xxxxxx"


Version 3.x.x

    "debug": false,
    "uploadAvatar": {
        "org": "YOUR_ORG",
        "endpoint": "YOUR_ENDPOINT",
        "authorization": "YOUR_AUTHORIZATION"
    "map": {
        "apiKey": "GOOGLE_MAPS_JS_API_KEY", //
        "defaultSinglePointZoom": 14
    "templatesConfigEndpoint": "{dev|stage|prod}/admin/", //where to find the templates and config for concepts
    "lcc": {
        "contentProvider": "LCC_PROVIDER"
    "icp": {
        "article": {
            "provider": "ICP_PROVIDER",
            "function": "crop" //needs to have a corresponding function in ICP
        "avatar": {
            "provider": "ICP_PROVIDER",
            "function": "avatar" //needs to have a corresponding function in ICP
    "writer": {
        "url": "WRITER_URL"
    "suggestFields": {
        "ConceptName": 10,
        "ConceptStatus": 15,
        "ConceptImType": 20
    "suggestLabels": {
        "ConceptName": "Name",
        "ConceptStatus": "Status",
        "ConceptImType": "Type"
    "propertyMap": {
        "etag": "checksum",
        "name": "ConceptName",
        "type": "ConceptImType",
        "typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
        "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
        "status": "ConceptStatus",
        "uuid": "uuid",
        "parentUUID": "ConceptBroader",
        "created": "created",
        "updated": "updated",
        "replacedby": "ConceptReplacedBy",
        "parent": {
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "property": "ConceptBroaderRelation",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"
        "children": {
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "property": "ConceptNarrowerRelations",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"
        "associatedWith": {
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "property": "ConceptAssociatedWithRelations",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"
        "associatedWithMe": {
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "property": "ConceptAssociatedWithMeRelations",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"
        "articles": {
            "property": "ConceptArticleRelations",
            "headline": "WriterHeadlines", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "pubdate": "Pubdate", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "author": "WriterAuthors", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "imageIdentifier": "TeaserImageUuid", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "uuid": "uuid"
        "avatar": {
            "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
            "avatarIdentifier": "uuid", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC, could be Filename if imgix is used instead of Imengine
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "filename": "Filename"
    "nestedFilters": {
        "ConceptArticleRelations": {
            "limit": 11,
            "sort": {
                "index": "Pubdate", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
                "ascending": false
    "sameAsTypes": [
            "label": "Example category",
            "type": "x-example/category",
            "defaultValue": "my://example/categories/" // Will be prefilled into the input when type is chosen
            "label": "My other example",
            "type": "x-example/section"
    "conceptTypes": {
        "author": {
            "id": "author",
            "type": "author",
            "icon": "user-id"
        "category": {
            "id": "category",
            "type": "category",
            "icon": "tag"
        "content-profile": {
            "id": "content-profile",
            "type": "content-profile",
            "icon": "gear"
        "organisation": {
            "id": "organisation",
            "type": "organisation",
            "icon": "network-3"
        "person": {
            "id": "person",
            "type": "person",
            "icon": "user"
        "place-polygon": {
            "id": "place-polygon",
            "type": "place",
            "subtype": "polygon",
            "icon": "location"
        "place-position": {
            "id": "place-position",
            "type": "place",
            "subtype": "position",
            "icon": "location"
        "story": {
            "id": "story",
            "type": "story",
            "icon": "brightness-max"
        "topic": {
            "id": "topic",
            "type": "topic",
            "icon": "message"
        "channel": {
            "id": "channel",
            "type": "channel",
            "icon": "feed"
        "section": {
            "id": "section",
            "type": "section",
            "icon": "flag"
    "sortOptions": [
            "display": "Alphabetical A-Z",
            "field": "ConceptNameString",
            "ascending": true
            "display": "Alphabetical Z-A",
            "field": "ConceptNameString",
            "ascending": false
            "display": "Oldest first",
            "field": "updated",
            "ascending": true
            "display": "Newest first",
            "field": "updated",
            "ascending": false
    "filterOptions": [
            "display": "Show all types",
            "query": "ConceptImType:*"
            "display": "Author",
            "query": "ConceptImType: author"
            "display": "Category",
            "query": "ConceptImType: category"
            "display": "Content-profile",
            "query": "ConceptImType: content-profile"
            "display": "Geo (polygon)",
            "query": "ConceptImType: place AND ConceptImSubTypeFull: x-im/polygon"
            "display": "Geo (position)",
            "query": "ConceptImType: place AND ConceptImSubTypeFull: x-im/position"
            "display": "Organisation",
            "query": "ConceptImType: organisation"
            "display": "Person",
            "query": "ConceptImType: person"
            "display": "Story",
            "query": "ConceptImType: story"
            "display": "Topic",
            "query": "ConceptImType: topic"
            "display": "Channel",
            "query": "ConceptImType: channel"
            "display": "Section",
            "query": "ConceptImType: section"
    "limitOptions": [

Version 2.0.x

    "debug": false,
    "uploadAvatar": {
        "org": "YOUR_ORG",
        "endpoint": "YOUR_ENDPOINT",
        "authorization": "YOUR_AUTHORIZATION"
    "map": {
        "apiKey": "GOOGLE_MAPS_JS_API_KEY", //
        "defaultSinglePointZoom": 14
    "templatesConfigEndpoint": "", //where to find the templates and config for concepts
    "lcc": {
        "contentProvider": "LCC_PROVIDER"
    "icp": {
        "article": {
            "provider": "ICP_PROVIDER",
            "function": "crop" //needs to have a corresponding function in ICP
        "avatar": {
            "provider": "ICP_PROVIDER",
            "function": "avatar" //needs to have a corresponding function in ICP
    "writer": {
        "url": "WRITER_URL"
    "suggestFields": {
        "ConceptName": 10,
        "ConceptStatus": 15,
        "ConceptImType": 20
    "suggestLabels": {
        "ConceptName": "Name",
        "ConceptStatus": "Status",
        "ConceptImType": "Type"
    "propertyMap": {
        "etag": "checksum",
        "name": "ConceptName",
        "type": "ConceptImType",
        "typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
        "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
        "status": "ConceptStatus",
        "uuid": "uuid",
        "parentUUID": "ConceptBroader",
        "created": "created",
        "updated": "updated",
        "replacedby": "ConceptReplacedBy",
        "parent": {
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "property": "ConceptBroaderRelation",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"
        "children": {
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "property": "ConceptNarrowerRelations",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"
        "associatedWith": {
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "property": "ConceptAssociateRelations",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"
        "articles": {
            "property": "ConceptArticleRelations",
            "headline": "WriterHeadlines", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "pubdate": "Pubdate", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "author": "WriterAuthors", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "imageIdentifier": "TeaserImageUuid", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "uuid": "uuid"
        "avatar": {
            "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
            "avatarIdentifier": "uuid", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC, could be Filename if imgix is used instead of Imengine
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "filename": "Filename"
    "nestedFilters": {
        "ConceptArticleRelations": {
            "limit": 11,
            "sort": {
                "index": "Pubdate", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
                "ascending": false
    "conceptTypes": {
        "author": {
            "id": "author",
            "type": "author",
            "icon": "user-id"
        "category": {
            "id": "category",
            "type": "category",
            "icon": "tag"
        "content-profile": {
            "id": "content-profile",
            "type": "content-profile",
            "icon": "gear"
        "organisation": {
            "id": "organisation",
            "type": "organisation",
            "icon": "network-3"
        "person": {
            "id": "person",
            "type": "person",
            "icon": "user"
        "place-polygon": {
            "id": "place-polygon",
            "type": "place",
            "subtype": "polygon",
            "icon": "location"
        "place-position": {
            "id": "place-position",
            "type": "place",
            "subtype": "position",
            "icon": "location"
        "story": {
            "id": "story",
            "type": "story",
            "icon": "brightness-max"
        "topic": {
            "id": "topic",
            "type": "topic",
            "icon": "message"
        "channel": {
            "id": "channel",
            "type": "channel",
            "icon": "feed"
        "section": {
            "id": "section",
            "type": "section",
            "icon": "flag"
    "sortOptions": [
            "display": "Alphabetical A-Z",
            "field": "ConceptNameString",
            "ascending": true
            "display": "Alphabetical Z-A",
            "field": "ConceptNameString",
            "ascending": false
            "display": "Oldest first",
            "field": "updated",
            "ascending": true
            "display": "Newest first",
            "field": "updated",
            "ascending": false
    "filterOptions": [
            "display": "Show all types",
            "query": "ConceptImType:*"
            "display": "Author",
            "query": "ConceptImType: author"
            "display": "Category",
            "query": "ConceptImType: category"
            "display": "Content-profile",
            "query": "ConceptImType: content-profile"
            "display": "Geo (polygon)",
            "query": "ConceptImType: place AND ConceptImSubTypeFull: x-im/polygon"
            "display": "Geo (position)",
            "query": "ConceptImType: place AND ConceptImSubTypeFull: x-im/position"
            "display": "Organisation",
            "query": "ConceptImType: organisation"
            "display": "Person",
            "query": "ConceptImType: person"
            "display": "Story",
            "query": "ConceptImType: story"
            "display": "Topic",
            "query": "ConceptImType: topic"
            "display": "Channel",
            "query": "ConceptImType: channel"
            "display": "Section",
            "query": "ConceptImType: section"
    "limitOptions": [

Version 1.3.x

    "debug": false,
    "map": {
        "apiKey": "GOOGLE_MAPS_JS_API_KEY", //
        "defaultSinglePointZoom": 14
    "templatesConfigEndpoint": "", //where to find the templates and config for concepts
    "lcc": {
        "contentProvider": "LCC_PROVIDER"
    "icp": {
        "article": {
            "provider": "ICP_PROVIDER",
            "function": "crop" //needs to have a corresponding function in ICP
        "avatar": {
            "provider": "ICP_PROVIDER",
            "function": "avatar" //needs to have a corresponding function in ICP
    "writer": {
        "url": "WRITER_URL"
    "suggestFields": {
        "ConceptName": 10,
        "ConceptStatus": 15,
        "ConceptImType": 20
    "suggestLabels": {
        "ConceptName": "Name",
        "ConceptStatus": "Status",
        "ConceptImType": "Type"
    "propertyMap": {
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        "typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
        "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
        "status": "ConceptStatus",
        "uuid": "uuid",
        "parentUUID": "ConceptBroader",
        "created": "created",
        "updated": "updated",
        "replacedby": "ConceptReplacedBy",
        "parent": {
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            "property": "ConceptBroaderRelation",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
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                "uuid": "uuid",
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        "children": {
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            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"
        "associatedWith": {
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "property": "ConceptAssociateRelations",
            "name": "ConceptName",
            "type": "ConceptImType",
            "typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
                "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
                "filename": "Filename"
        "articles": {
            "property": "ConceptArticleRelations",
            "headline": "WriterHeadlines", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "pubdate": "Pubdate", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "author": "WriterAuthors", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "imageIdentifier": "TeaserImageUuid", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "uuid": "uuid"
        "avatar": {
            "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
            "avatarIdentifier": "uuid", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC, could be Filename if imgix is used instead of Imengine
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "filename": "Filename"
    "nestedFilters": {
        "ConceptArticleRelations": {
            "limit": 11,
            "sort": {
                "index": "Pubdate", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
                "ascending": false
    "conceptTypes": {
        "author": {
            "id": "author",
            "type": "author",
            "icon": "user-id"
        "category": {
            "id": "category",
            "type": "category",
            "icon": "tag"
        "content-profile": {
            "id": "content-profile",
            "type": "content-profile",
            "icon": "gear"
        "organisation": {
            "id": "organisation",
            "type": "organisation",
            "icon": "network-3"
        "person": {
            "id": "person",
            "type": "person",
            "icon": "user"
        "place-polygon": {
            "id": "place-polygon",
            "type": "place",
            "subtype": "polygon",
            "icon": "location"
        "place-position": {
            "id": "place-position",
            "type": "place",
            "subtype": "position",
            "icon": "location"
        "story": {
            "id": "story",
            "type": "story",
            "icon": "brightness-max"
        "topic": {
            "id": "topic",
            "type": "topic",
            "icon": "message"
        "channel": {
            "id": "channel",
            "type": "channel",
            "icon": "feed"
        "section": {
            "id": "section",
            "type": "section",
            "icon": "flag"
    "sortOptions": [
            "display": "Alphabetical A-Z",
            "field": "ConceptNameString",
            "ascending": true
            "display": "Alphabetical Z-A",
            "field": "ConceptNameString",
            "ascending": false
            "display": "Oldest first",
            "field": "updated",
            "ascending": true
            "display": "Newest first",
            "field": "updated",
            "ascending": false
    "filterOptions": [
            "display": "Show all types",
            "query": "ConceptImType:*"
            "display": "Author",
            "query": "ConceptImType: author"
            "display": "Category",
            "query": "ConceptImType: category"
            "display": "Content-profile",
            "query": "ConceptImType: content-profile"
            "display": "Geo (polygon)",
            "query": "ConceptImType: place AND ConceptImSubTypeFull: x-im/polygon"
            "display": "Geo (position)",
            "query": "ConceptImType: place AND ConceptImSubTypeFull: x-im/position"
            "display": "Organisation",
            "query": "ConceptImType: organisation"
            "display": "Person",
            "query": "ConceptImType: person"
            "display": "Story",
            "query": "ConceptImType: story"
            "display": "Topic",
            "query": "ConceptImType: topic"
            "display": "Channel",
            "query": "ConceptImType: channel"
            "display": "Section",
            "query": "ConceptImType: section"
    "limitOptions": [

Version <= 1.2.0

    "debug": false,
    "map": {
        "apiKey": "GOOGLE_MAPS_JS_API_KEY", //
        "defaultSinglePointZoom": 14
    "templatesConfigEndpoint": "", //where to find the templates and config for concepts
    "lcc": {
        "contentProvider": "LCC_PROVIDER"
    "icp": {
        "article": {
            "provider": "ICP_PROVIDER",
            "function": "crop" //needs to have a corresponding function in ICP
        "avatar": {
            "provider": "ICP_PROVIDER",
            "function": "avatar" //needs to have a corresponding function in ICP
    "writer": {
        "url": "WRITER_URL"
    "suggestFields": {
        "ConceptName": 10,
        "ConceptStatus": 15,
        "ConceptImType": 20
    "suggestLabels": {
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        "ConceptStatus": "Status",
        "ConceptImType": "Type"
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		"typeFull": "ConceptImTypeFull",
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            "property": "ConceptBroaderRelation",
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            "status": "ConceptStatus",
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            "subtype": "ConceptImSubTypeFull",
            "status": "ConceptStatus",
            "avatar": {
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                "avatarIdentifier": "uuid",
                "uuid": "uuid",
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        "articles": {
            "property": "ConceptArticleRelations",
            "headline": "WriterHeadlines", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "pubdate": "Pubdate", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "author": "WriterAuthors", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "imageIdentifier": "TeaserImageUuid", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
            "uuid": "uuid"
        "avatar": {
            "property": "ConceptAvatarRelation",
            "avatarIdentifier": "uuid", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC, could be Filename if imgix is used instead of Imengine
            "uuid": "uuid",
            "filename": "Filename"
    "nestedFilters": {
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                "index": "Pubdate", // Needs to be configured with corresponding property in OC
                "ascending": false
    "conceptTypes": {
        "author": {
            "id": "author",
            "type": "author", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version <1.2.0
            "icon": "user-id"
        "category": {
            "id": "category",
            "type": "category", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version <1.2.0
            "icon": "tag"
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            "type": "content-profile", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version <1.2.0
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            "id": "organisation",
            "type": "organisation", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version <1.2.0
            "icon": "network-3"
        "person": {
            "id": "person",
            "type": "person", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version <1.2.0
            "icon": "user"
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            "type": "place", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version <1.2.0
            "subtype": "polygon",
            "icon": "location"
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            "id": "place-position",
            "type": "place", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version <1.2.0
            "subtype": "position",
            "icon": "location"
        "story": {
            "id": "story",
            "type": "story", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version <1.2.0
            "icon": "brightness-max"
        "topic": {
            "id": "topic",
            "type": "topic", // IMPORTANT: this field was called x-im in version < 1.2.0
            "icon": "message"
    "sortOptions": [
            "display": "Alphabetical A-Z",
            "field": "ConceptNameString",
            "ascending": true
            "display": "Alphabetical Z-A",
            "field": "ConceptNameString",
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            "display": "Newest first",
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    "filterOptions": [
            "display": "Show all types",
            "query": "ConceptImType:*"
            "display": "Author",
            "query": "ConceptImType: author"
            "display": "Category",
            "query": "ConceptImType: category"
            "display": "Content-profile",
            "query": "ConceptImType: content-profile"
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            "query": "ConceptImType: place AND ConceptImSubTypeFull: x-im/polygon"
            "display": "Geo (position)",
            "query": "ConceptImType: place AND ConceptImSubTypeFull: x-im/position"
            "display": "Organisation",
            "query": "ConceptImType: organisation"
            "display": "Person",
            "query": "ConceptImType: person"
            "display": "Story",
            "query": "ConceptImType: story"
            "display": "Topic",
            "query": "ConceptImType: topic"
    "limitOptions": [
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️