Application - Infomaker/Dashboard-Plugin GitHub Wiki



There is two ways to display confirm messages in Dashboard.

  • Notification confirm, see: DNA.
  • Application confirm this.confirm().

This api will prompt a custom confirm message within your application


confirm api takes one arrgument type Object You can either pass your confirm message and callbacks in two ways: Default-Confirm object

Attr Type Default Description
headline String 'Confirm' Your confirm box headline
message String null Your confirm box message
buttonTexts Array ['Cancel', 'Confirm'] Your confirm box button labels
onConfirm Function null Callback when user click on Confirm button
onCancel Function null Callback when user click on Cancel button


const myConfirmObject = {
    message: `You're about to delete ${conceptName}, are you sure?`,
    buttonTexts: ['Cancel', 'Delete'],
    onConfirm: () => {



you can see that we didn't pass onCancel callback, that means when user click on Cancel button Dashboard will close the confirm automatically.

Custom-Component object

Attr Type Default Description
component React Component null Your custom confirm component


class MyCustomConfirm extends Component {
    render() {
        const { closeConfirm, onConfirm, headline, message, cancelLabel, confirmLabel } = this.props
        return (
            <Headline text={headline}/>
            <Message text={message}/>
                <Button text={cancelLabel} onClick={closeConfirm}/>
                <Button text={confirmLabel} onClick={() => {

const myConfirmObject = {
	component: <MyCustomConfirm
	    message={'This action will efect....'}
	    headline={'Are you sure you want to delete ....?'}


You notice that we passed this.closeConfirm to MyCustomConfirm component

this.closeConfirm() is an api will handle clossing the confirm manually, as long as you are using a custom component to display your confirm message Dashboad does not know when to unmount the confirm box so you should call this.closeConfirm() manually



Should not be called in the application constructor.


Call seeksAttentionOnWorkspaceLeave to prompt the user if it really wants to change workspace. The user can then cancel and stay in the current workspace, or choose ignore and change anyway.



seeksAttentionOnWorkspaceLeave should only be called when the application needs to prompt the user. Therefore call it and pass false when the application do not need to prompt the user anymore. An application that always seeks attention can be seen as annoying for the user.



this.openModal(YourModalClass, () => {
    // This callback is called when the modal has rendered.
    // Therefore this is a good place to start sending data to the modal.




const modalParams = {
    title: 'Writer Plugin',
    modalSize: Dashboard.MODALSIZE.WIDE,
    onApplicationRendered: () => this.send({
        target: 'se.infomaker.Writer',
        name: 'se.infomaker.Writer:internal:setUrl',
        userData: {
            url: '',
            tabs: true
    callback: data => {
        if (data.err) {

this.openApplicationInModal('se.infomaker.Writer', modalParams)

openApplicationInModal takes two params: the first param is a string for application bundle that you want to open it inside a modal. Dashboard will go through all installed plugins and look for the bundle that has been passed and if it's matched and that plugin can be run in modal will return a success message with callback function if it's passed with the second param

learn more about allow plugin to run inside modal: manifest allowRunInModal

the second param is an object contain modal config

Attr Type Default Description
title string application name Custom modal title
modalSize Dashboard.MODALSIZE NORMAL Spicfy the modal size see Dashboard.MODALSIZE
onApplicationRendered function null On application rendered callback, will be called when the application DID MOUNT
callback function null A callback function will be called with an info object

callback object contain tow properties: {message, err} the message will tell if it's success to run the application inside a modal or not, and the err will tell why if it failed to run the application inside a modal