Gallery - InfographicsJa/d3 GitHub Wiki


Welcome to the D3 gallery. Feel free to add links to your work! More examples are available in the D3 repository. If you want to share an example and don't have your own hosting, consider using Gist and bl.ocks.

Visual Index

box bubble bullet calendar cartogram chord cluster force pack population stack stream sunburst tree treemap voronoi bundle airports-all airports iris-parallel iris-splom pack-hierarchy bar-hierarchy gears force-collision force-collapsible force-states azimuthal choropleth tree-zoom treemap-zoom partition-zoom area-gradient flight-calendar cluster-radial sankey fisheye hive miserables nations uber bezier coffee collatz parsets cloud budget facebook-ipo koalas particles indented-tree ronded-rect sperm show-reel debt force-labels illusion voronoi-picker map-zoom rain color nutrient hn world slope ncaa cubism crossfilter windhistory lcf force-voronoi house-heatmap house-map open-budget


Concepts & Techniques

Charts and Chart Components

Trees and Graphs

Miscellaneous visualizations

Useful snippets




Online Editors



Wish List

  • arc diagram
  • gantt, other timelines and timing diagram
  • candlestick or ohlc
  • fibonacci scale
  • data table (maybe the airline table at the bottom of the crossfilter example?)
  • hypergraph