RPi Library Installation - Infineon/radar-bgt60 GitHub Wiki


The BGT60LTR11AIP 60 GHz radar in combination with this library is compatible with the following hardware platforms:

Platform Compatible
Raspberry Pi 4 Mod. B
Raspberry Pi 3 Mod. B+
Raspberry Pi 3 Mod. B
Raspberry Pi 3 Mod. A+
Raspberry Pi Zero
Raspberry Pi Zero W(H)
Raspberry Pi 2 Mod. B v1.2
Raspberry Pi 2 Mod. B
Raspberry Pi 1 Mod. B+
Raspberry Pi 1 Mod. B
Raspberry Pi 1 Mod. A+
Raspberry Pi 1 Mod. A


It is assumed that you have already set up a compatible Raspberry Pi with the Raspberry Pi OS or a similar OS and that the hardware setup is already done. If this is not the case, please refer to the getting started page.

Required Software

  • Raspberry Pi OS or similar OS
  • Git
  • build-essential
  • Infineon's radar-bgt60 library (this library)

Library Installation

The library itself doest not have to be installed. It is sufficient to clone it from GitHub to compile the example code. However, beforehand the required packages have to be installed:

Install Required Packages

sudo apt-get install git build-essential

Clone This Library From GitHhub

git clone https://github.com/Infineon/radar-bgt60

Now you're ready to go! Continue here to find out how the example codes can be compiled and tested.

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