Level 3: Online Articles - IncrediCoders/Python1 GitHub Wiki

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Annie Conda added this page on March 15, 2023

Here are some helpful articles about python lists, if-else ladders, and reading a file! You can skip down to these sections on the page:

More About Python Lists

  • Python Lists - w3schools.com - This site provides a description of the different types of lists, as well as examples on how to use them. There are also some code examples that you can try yourself by clicking the "Try it Yourself" button and you can change the code and see what it does.

  • Data Structures - docs.python.org - This site gives you a lengthy list of all the different code commands for lists that can be used. There are also some code examples of some of these code commands being used together, and you can read through it and see the process of the output.

  • Python Lists - developers.google.com - This site gives a simpler description of what lists are and the different code commands used for lists. It also connects lists with different types of loops which will be more in later levels. There are also some examples using the code commands that you can look at.

  • Python Lists - tutorialspoint.com - This site give a more in depth description of what list are and the different functions it has. There are also tables of the different code commands used for lists as well as a definition under each command describing what it does.

  • Python Lists - geeksforgeeks.org - This site provides brief descriptions of what lists are and the different functions that it has, then for each function it gives an example. On some of the examples, it breaks down the different parts of the code commands and describes each one of them.

Python List Videos

  • Introduction To Lists In Python - CS Dojo - This video describes what a list is and how it is used in Python. It also describes how lists compare and contrast to arrays. Then, he gives a coded examples of lists used in a Python program and what the different commands mean.

  • Python Lists - Socratica - In this video, she shows you how to create lists, access elements by index, slice lists, join two lists (concatenation). Also, she talks about sets, dictionaries and tuples in separate videos. Then, she provides coded examples describing each of these terms.

  • List in Python - Telusko - In this video, he describes what a list is, and how to use it in Python. He also describes string lists and also print values within list. He also provides examples of how to use lists in Python programs and what each of the different commands mean.

  • How to Use Lists in Python - Programming with Mosh - In this video, he describes lists, sets, tuples, and dictionaries. Then, he provides coded examples of each of these functions and what each of the commands mean. He also describes outputs possible for each of these functions.

  • Python Tutorial: Lists, Tuples, and Sets - Corey Schafer - In this video, he describes Lists, Tuples, and Sets in Python. He also describes that Lists and Tuples allow us to work with sequential data, and Sets allow us to work with unordered unique values. Then, he provides coded examples of these functions in Python.

Python List Examples

  • Python Lists with Examples - programiz.com - This site provides an embedded YouTube video that you can watch that will give more examples and definitions on lists and other code commands related to lists. There are also written out examples of lists below the video.

  • Python List Examples - pythonbasics.org - This site goes through the different code commands for each of the lists. For each code command, it gives a short definition, but mainly focuses on the example, and under the example code it breaks down the code and describes what code command it is using and the output for that command.

More About If-Else Ladders

  • Python If Else - geeksforgeeks.org - This page goes in depth on the different forms of if-else ladders. It also provides diagrams of the process of how if-else ladders work describing what happens if an event does not happen.

  • If Else Statement in Python - intellipaat.com - This site provides a YouTube video at the top that you can watch for more examples of code commands for if-else ladders. Below this video, there are more descriptions and definitions, as well as more examples of if-else ladder code commands.

  • Python Conditional Statements - softwaretestinghelp.com - This site goes more in depth on not just if-else ladders, but also other conditional statements. There are several YouTube videos throughout the site that provide more examples, but there are also coded examples, as well as diagrams written out on the page.

  • Python If-Else Statements - javatpoint.com - This page provides a simpler description of what if-else ladders are, and also different code commands. There are also coded examples throughout the page that include the output of the program so you can really track what the different code commands did.

  • If-Else Ladder - web1.eng.famu.fsu.edu - This site provides a summary of the different uses for an if-else ladder, as well as a brief definition of what it is, and then there are a view examples of how to write out the code commands for if-else ladders.

If-Else Ladder Videos

  • Python 3 Tutorial: If Else - sentdex - In this video, he describes what if statements are, as well as if-else statements. He also provides detailed coded examples in Python programs of these different statements, and describes what each of the commands mean and the output.

  • Python 3: If Elif Else - sentdex - In this video, he describes what if and elif statements are, as well as if-else and elif statements. He also provides detailed coded examples in Python programs of these different statements, and describes what each of the commands mean and the output.

  • If Elif Else Statements in Python - Telusko - In this video, he gives a definition for If, Elif, and Else statements and how they are used in Python. Then, he gives coded examples of each of these different statements and describes what each command means.

  • Python: Nested if statements - Amulya's Academy - In this video, she describes what nested if statements are. She also describes what normal if and if-else statements are to compare to the nested if statements. Then, she provides examples of the nested if statements.

  • Python Tutorial: Ladder if else - Electrofun - In this video, he explains how to make Python programs more interactive allowing them to make their own decision depending upon the condition and execute the set of statements to perform a particular task. Then, he provides coded examples of if-else ladders.

If-Else Ladder Examples

  • If Else Ladder Python Examples - codegrepper.com - This page provides an example of an if-else ladder written out in code with the corresponding code commands. While it is a shorter example, it is easier to really track what the if-else ladder does.

  • Python If-Else Examples - geeksforgeeks.org - This page does provide a brief description and definition of if-else ladders, but it also provides more in depth diagrams about the process of if-else ladders, as well as coded examples using the code commands for if-else ladders.

More About Reading a File

  • Python File Open - w3schools.com - This site provides a brief definition and description of what reading a file means, then it gives examples using the code commands described. In these examples, you can edit the code and see how that changes the output of the program.

  • Read Write Files - realpython.com - This site breaks down the different parts of what a reading file is and does, and gives a brief definition. There are also examples of each of the parts, and then a final example at the end which uses all the parts and successfully reads a file.

  • Reading Text Files in Python - geeksforgeeks.com - This site gives a description about specifically reading a text file. It gives a brief description of what that means, then it goes into the different code commands and describe how those help read the text file.

  • Read File in Python - w3schools.com - This page gives a brief description of what reading a file means and the code commands used to accomplish that. Then, there are coded examples of reading a file, as well as a description of what each of the parts does to help the program read the file.

  • Python Read Text File - pythontutorial.net - This site describes the different parts to reading a text file. Then, it gives some coded examples of these parts combined together to ultimately read a file. Then there is a brief summary at the end.

File Reading Videos

  • Python File Objects: Reading and Writing to Files - Corey Schafer - In this video, he describes how to read and write to files. He describes how to contact with file objects while using Python, and learning how to read and write from them and providing coded examples for them.

  • Text Files in Python - Socratica - In this video, she gives a brief description on what text files are and how to use them in Python. She also shows how to read and write text files, and show you several ways to accomplish each task while provided coded examples for each function.

  • Python Tutorial: File handling - Telusko - In this video he describes what files are, and how to use them, and also how to use variables and how they compare with storing items in files. He also provided examples of how to use text files in a Python program.

  • Python Tutorial: Reading/Writing Files - codebasics - In this video, he describes and clarifies about reading/ writing files, how to work with a file, how to open, create and close a file, use of “functions”, “modules” and “flags”. He also provides examples in a Python program.

  • Python Tutorial: How to Read a Text File - Tech with Tim - In this video, he describes how to read from a text file using python. He then walks through a step-by-step example of how to do these functions in a Python program, and describes what the different function do.

  • Reading Files in Python - Mike Dane - This video gives a brief description on how to read files, and also how to store things inside text files. Then, he provides written out coded examples of files and reading those files in a Python program and describes what each command means.

File Reading Examples

  • Python File Reading Examples - porgramiz.com - This page gives an in depth YouTube video of what reading a file means, as well as some coded examples. There are also written out coded examples below the video with descriptions about each of the parts.

  • Python Read Text File - pythonexamples.com - This site gives you an in depth step by step process on how to build code commands to read a text file. Below each step is a written out coded example using the coded commands described above it. This also includes the output of the program.

Next Steps

Next, you can take on the two extra challenges to add a score to your game and to add a visual feedback effect! When you're done, you can move on to Level 4, the Class Introductions program!

Take the Challenges!

  1. Challenge 1: Add a score to the game, so you can try to get all the questions right. When the game ends, display the score!

  2. Challenge 2: Make the text of the answer choices turn red and green to show which one is the correct answer, as a visual feedback effect.

More Level 3 Resources

In addition to this Online Articles Page and the instructions for our Level 3 challenges, we also have our Help Page, a Learning Quiz, an Unplugged Activity, and a Rewards article:

  • Level 3: Help - This page helps you complete the instructions in the book, in case you get stuck.

  • Level 3: Learning Quiz - I wrote some questions in case you want to quiz yourself about what you learned. Or you can teach others and quiz them!

  • Level 3: Unplugged Activity - I wrote this page with more details than what you saw in the book. In this game, you'll have one person act as the developer, and one person act as the variable where the developer choose a noun for the variable to say in the story that they tell!

  • Level 3: Rewards - If you completed the Class Introductions project that we talked about, then I set up this page to act as a reward. You can see some illustrations of me and learn more about who I am! You'll also find the Apple Award digital download, to show off your accomplishment!

Level 4

After you're completely done with Level 3 (did you do the challenges?), then it's time to move on to Level 4! While you read through Level 4 in your book, you can check out the resources from SideWinder, as she teaches you how to build the Space Wars game:

I hope you had fun learning about Classroom Quiz! This is something that is very important for all of the future levels! Enjoy!

-- Annie

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