Level 3: Classroom Quiz: All Online Resources - IncrediCoders/Python1 GitHub Wiki

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Annie Conda added this page on March 15, 2023


Hi! This is Annie again. I'm so excited to make this quiz game with you! Like I mentioned, I've made a LOT of quiz games! So I'm happy to help you out and show you how I build them.

Our class assignment from Mrs. Codala is to create a quiz game that will ask questions about our classmates. So we're going to ask the players of our game one question about each classmate (total of 12 questions). We'll let the players know whether they got each question right or wrong.

Here are all our Level 3 online resources:

  • Level 3: Help - This page will help you if you get stuck on any of the ideas in Level 3 as well as going a bit deeper on someone of the topics discussed in class.

  • Level 3: Challenge 1 - For this challenge, you're going to add a score to the game for the classroom quiz. Then, when the game ends, you will display that score!

  • Level 3: Challenge 2 - In this challenge, you will add a third answer that is fake! This will total four choices for each question.

  • Level 3: Bonus Challenges - In these three bonus challenges, you'll switch to a longer quiz we wrote for you, you'll add more questions to the quiz, and you'll learn how to make your own quiz, on any topic!

  • Level 3: While Loops - Check out this bonus article to learn more about While Loops.

  • Level 3: Online Articles - I provided a list of articles that will you learn more about our assignment's core concepts.

  • Level 3: Learning Quiz - These questions are for a quiz you can take that will tell us what you've learned from today's assignment. You'll find the answers to the quiz in the Level 3 Solutions folder.

  • Level 3: Unplugged Activity - It's important to get some exercise and to think of coding from a fresh perspective. In today's Unplugged Activity, you're going to get a bunch of people together and practice using if else statements!

  • Level 3: Rewards - If you're able to complete the class assignment in our book, then we want you to access this page as a reward, in order to see all the exploratory art and backstory for how we created the Classroom Quiz program! You will also receive a digital Bow Award for completing this level!

If you have any questions, ideas, or issues with this level, then please let us know by creating a GitHub Issue.

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