[0] F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions) - InclementDab/DayZ-Editor GitHub Wiki

Q: Does DayZ Editor run on my server ?

A: No - DayZ Editor is a standalone offline editor

Q: Can console players use the Editor?

A: Yes, though they will be limited to only vanilla configured objects. Consoles can not use the BuilderItems mod for additional objects.

Q: How do I access my saves?

A: Your saves are in the Editor folder in your documents directory (by default, this is Documents\DayZ\Editor\)

Q: Can I use this on Namalsk, Deerisle and other maps ?

A: Yes - Just load the Mod containing the map alongside the Editor and it will be automatically detected.

Q: Can I load my builds onto my server?

A: Yes! There are several ways to do so, however for ease of use recommend running our DayZ Editor Loader. Read the full install instructions on the Steam mod page.

DayZ Editor Loader requires CF as well

See Exporting to Server for more info

Q: Why can't I place X item down?

A: Currently there are several items in DayZ that break the Object Manager within the Editor. (aka, big crashes) Workarounds are on the way for all of these options

Q: Can I remove map buildings, rocks and trees ?

A: Yes you can. Clear the area in the map for your custom edit by, Ctrl + middle mouse to delete the hovered object. You can delete many items faster by using the Delete Brush.

Q: Some objects despawn after building a flag. How do I fix this?

A: The work around for this is to add the custom mapping names to your types file with a longer lifetime then your server reset.

Q: I exported loot data, but I want to continue editing the map. Do I need to export loot data again?

A: If you add, move or remove any buildings that spawn loot, you need to export loot data again.

Q: Zombies are running through walls and buildings I placed. How do i fix this?

A: The server hasn't ran long enough to complete the updated pathing for the new objects that were added. The time required will change based on how many objects are added.

Q: Is the Editor compatible with my mod?

A: Yes - if your mod does not load please use our #bug-report channel in Discord or message me directly

Q: How can I support this project?

A: I (InclementDab) am the main developer of the DayZ Editor. With generous contributions from the community at their own sake. If you want to support me, you can so through my Patreon or Paypal, join our Discord, and follow my Twitter