How to interactively access the data with BaseMount - Illumina/Polaris GitHub Wiki

Setting up your execution environment

We are setting up an Amazon instance located in the same region as the data for faster data transfer and lower latency.

  • Launch an Amazon EC2 instance in the Frankfurt region (a.k.a. eu-central-1)

    • AMI: Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
    • Size depends on what you plan to do
      • RAM: 1.5GB or more for simple BaseMount access.
  • Install BaseMount and samtools

 sudo bash -c "$(curl -L"
  • Authenticate with BaseSpace to access the data remotely
 mkdir BaseSpace
 basemount --api-server= BaseSpace
 <Open the URL in the browser you usually use to log in to BaseSpace>
 # Check that you see the data
 ls "BaseSpace/Projects/Polaris 1 Diversity Cohort/AppResults/"

Accessing data via BaseMount

# HG01707 FASTQ files
ls -l "BaseSpace/Projects/Polaris 1 Diversity Cohort/Samples/HG01707/Files"

# HG01707 aligned data and variant calls
ls -l "BaseSpace/Projects/Polaris 1 Diversity Cohort/AppResults/HG01707/Files"

# Multi-sample VCF and metadata
ls -l "BaseSpace/Projects/Polaris 1 Diversity Cohort/AppResults/GVCF_Genotyper/Files"
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