How to browse multi sample VCF data in IGV - Illumina/Polaris GitHub Wiki


The genome VCF from the 150 Polaris 1 Diversity Cohort samples have been aggregated by the GVCF Genotyper app into one multi-sample VCF file.

This pages explains how to browse this file in the following flavours of IGV:

Desktop IGV via S3 URLs

You can download the Desktop version of IGV from the IGV website.

Launch IGV and (also see image below):

  1. Select File->Load from URL...
  2. Retrieve the S3 URL of two files: merged.vcf.gz and merged.vcf.gz.tbi, located in GVCF_Genotyper's appResult.
    This page explains how to do so.
  3. Back in IGV, fill in both URLs:
  • File URL: S3 URL of merged.vcf.gz
  • Index URL: S3 URL of merged.vcf.gz.tbi
  1. Confirm
  2. If needed: Select a region small enough for IGV to show the variants (try gene "BEST2")
  3. If needed: Set the reference genome to "Human hg19"

Load IGV from URL

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