Text Chat - IcyStarFrost/Lambda-Players GitHub Wiki
Here you will find documentation on each default Text Type and all default Key Words
Text Types
What are Text Types? Text Types are the type of text that will be used in a certain situation. For example, the text type deathbyplayer
has lines specific to the event when a Lambda is killed by other Lambdas or by Real Players. Basically similar to Voice Types.
| These are Text Lines that are randomly used while a Lambda Player is in their idle statedeathbyplayer
| These are Text Lines that are used when a Lambda Player is killed by a Lambda or a Real Player. | Key Word/keyent/
can be used heredeath
| These are Text Lines that are used when a Lambda Player dies by anything this is not a player or Lambda | Key Word/keyent/
can be used herekill
| These are Text Lines that are used when a Lambda Player kills a Lambda or a Real Player | Key Word/keyent/
can be used hereresponse
| These are Text Lines that are used when a Lambda Player responds to a Real Player's message or a Lambda's Message | Key Word/keyent/
can be used herewitness
| These are Text Lines that are used when a Lambda Player witnesses another player or lambda die. | Key Word/keyent/
can be used here
Key Words
Key Words are words that are replaced before a message is sent by a Lambda Player. For example, Key Word /rndply/
will be replaced with the name of a random Real Player or Lambda Player.
| This will be replaced by a random gm_ map/rndply/
| This will be replaced by a random Player's or Lambda's name/map/
| This will be replaced by the current map/self/
| This will be replaced by the Lambda who sent the message name/servername/
| This will be replaced by the Server's Host Name/nearprop/
| This will be replaced by the nearest prop's name/nearply/
| This will be replaced by the nearest player or lambda's name/deaths/
| This will be replaced by how many deaths the Lambda has/kills/
| This will be replaced by how many kills the Lambda has/ping/
| This will be replaced by the current ping of the Lambda/keyent/
| This will be replaced by a key Entity's name.
$\textsf{\Largeⓘ\kern{0.2cm}\normalsize Note}$ /keyent/ should only be used in supported Text Types!
| This will be replaced by a key Entity's weapon name. This can only be used in text types that support /keyent//weapon/
| This will be replaced by the Lambda's current weapon name/birthdayply/
| This will be replaced by a player's name if its currently their birthday
$\textsf{\Largeⓘ\kern{0.2cm}\normalsize Note}$ /birthdayply/ should only be used with Condition Key word |birthday|
Conditional Key Words
Conditional Key words are words that will test if certain conditions are met and will allow a text line that has the key words to be used. For example, Conditional Key Word |highping| will only let a text line that has it be used if the Lambda has high ping.
Text Line Example, |highping|I would of won if it wasn't for my /ping/ ping!
$\textsf{\Largeⓘ\kern{0.2cm}\normalsize Note}$ Conditional Key words can be put anywhere in a text line and it will always be removed from the Text Line. It is recommended you add conditional key words at the start of your Text Line so you can easily see if the Text Line is Conditional
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if the Lambda has high ping ( More than 200 )|crowded|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if there is more than 5 people near the Lambda|lowhp|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if the Lambda has less than 40% of their health|alone|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if there is no one near the Lambda within 2000 Source units|quietserver|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if there are less than 6 players/Lambdas in the server|activeserver|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if there are more than 15 players/Lambdas in the server|keyentishost|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if /keyent/ is the host of the server.
$\textsf{\Largeⓘ\kern{0.2cm}\normalsize Note}$ |keyentishost| must be used where ever /keyent/ is supported or it won't work as intended!
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if the current time is in the night/morning ( AM )|pmtime|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if the current time is in the noon/afternoon/evening ( PM )|christmas|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if it is currently Christmas|newyears|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if it is currently New Years|addonbirthday|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if it is currently the addon's birthday|thanksgiving|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if it is currently Thanksgiving|4thjuly|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if it is currently the 4th of July|easter|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if it is currently Easter|birthday|
| Text Lines with this Key Word can only be used if it is currently someone's birthday
$\textsf{\Largeⓘ\kern{0.2cm}\normalsize Note}$ |birthday| should be used with key word /birthdayply/ for best results