Creating Addons - IcyStarFrost/Lambda-Players GitHub Wiki
Here you will learn how to upload your custom content to the Garry's Mod Workshop. This page assumes you know what each custom content is and how they are used. If you don't know what a certain thing is, please visit the Adding Custom Content page.
$\textsf{\Largeⓘ\kern{0.2cm}\normalsize Note}$ When you are creating addons for Lambda Players, it is prefered you add [LambdaPlayers] as the first thing in your addon name just so it's easy to search for addons that add stuff to Lambda Players.
Adding content
Profile Pictures
Addons that add profile pictures should have the following file path:
ADDONNAME/materials/lambdaplayers/custom_profilepictures/( Any .png/.jpg/.vtf image files)
Text files or JSONs must have their file extensions renamed to .vmt in order for them to be able to be uploaded to the workshop!
Addons that add custom names should have the following file path:
ADDONNAME/materials/lambdaplayers/data/customnames/( Name .VMT files here )
Custom Voice lines
Addons that add voice lines should have the following file path:
ADDONNAME/sound/lambdaplayers/vo/custom/(possible folders are: death, taunt, idle, kill, laugh, assist, witness, panic, fall)/( Any sound files here.)
$\textsf{\Largeⓘ\kern{0.2cm}\normalsize Note}$ It is preferable to use MP3 format instead of WAV format for storage and size reasons. WAV takes more size than .MP3 does.
$\textsf{\LARGE⚠\kern{0.2cm}\Large Important}$ Make sure that the sound files have a unique name, so they won't override any other sounds that may have the same name.
Voice Profiles
Addons that add Voice Profiles should have the following file path:
ADDONNAME/sound/lambdaplayers/voiceprofiles/( Voice Profiles )
Example of a Voice Profile
Addons that add sprays should have the following file path:
ADDONNAME/materials/lambdaplayers/sprays/(Any .VTF, .PNG, .JPG image files here)
Text Chat Lines
Addons that add new texttypes should have this filepath:
ADDONNAME/materials/lambdaplayers/data/texttypes/( JSON formatted or newline formatted text lines .VMT files go here )
Addons that add onto existing texttypes should have this filepath:
ADDONNAME/materials/lambdaplayers/texttypes/( JSON formatted or newline formatted text lines .VMT files go here )
$\textsf{\LARGE⚠\kern{0.2cm}\Large Important}$
If you placed the text files in the filepath that adds onto another text type, you must have your files be renamed like {Text Type}_{Unique Name}
For example, idle_mycustomidlelines
. Since I put idle to the left of the underscore, those text lines will be added onto the existing lines in the idle text type. This is so you can prevent conflicts with other addons
The reason why it's specific is so that they obey properly to either one of these
Addons that add new weapons should have the following file path:
ADDONNAME/lua/lambdaplayers/lambda/weapons/( Any weapon .lua file )
Learn how to create weapons here
Uploading Addon
Using gmpublisher
When you open up gmpublisher you should get a screen with all your previously uploaded addon and a [publish new] button You'll need to press that button and it will bring up the addon creation menu.
Addon creation menu
Here I will be explaining all the important information of the left panel. The middle panel shows you what is exactly going to be sent. You usually don't have to touch the right panel if you limited yourself to the above types of files.
$\textsf{\normalsize 1.}$ The image of your addon. It changes whenever you import a new one.
$\textsf{\normalsize 2.}$ The button to import an image. It is limited by types and size.
$\textsf{\normalsize 3.}$ The path to your addon.
$\textsf{\normalsize 4.}$ The name of your addon. This should start with [LambdaPlayers]
$\textsf{\normalsize 5.}$ The type of your addon. This should be Server Content
$\textsf{\normalsize 6.}$ The tags of your addon. This can be whatever you feel like fits.
$\textsf{\normalsize 7.}$ The button to publish your addon. It is greyed out until everything is correct.
Exemple of creating addon
I'm going to upload a weapon pack that I made for the Lambda Players. You would want to begin by locating the addon folder using the button next to the "Addon path".
You would go to my addon folder and press the Select Folder button in the explorer.
After doing that, the middle panel will show you what is inside that addon. For me I only have a lua folder containing the weapons for the Lambda Players.
Now you'll want to give your addon an image that fits your addon one way or another to avoid using the default picture shown. Click on the Browse button and look for a picture using the explorer.
After finding a picture and opening it, the preview picture will update provided that it is the correct format and size.
Now you'll want to give it a name. Since we are uploading a weapon pack for the Lambda Players, we should write [LambdaPlayers]
before anything else. It is just to make sure that it is easily distinguishable by other users.
Here I have decided to name my addon [LambdaPlayers] Weapon Pack - Counter-Strike: Source
The remaining touch is the addon type and tags.
We suggest using Server Content
for the type since it is content for the Lambda Players.
As for the tags, use whichever tags you think fits the most. Here I selected fun
After all of this is done, you should see the Publish button being no longer greyed out. If not, check if you missed something or got an error.
All that's remaining is to press that button and wait for it to upload. After that it will show up in the "My Workshop" tab and automatically load the steam workshop page in your browser.
The final step is giving your newly uploaded content a description, extra images if you have any and to make it public if you want to. All of this is possible directly on the workshop page of your addon since you are the creator.
$\textsf{\Largeⓘ\kern{0.2cm}\normalsize Note}$ It is recommended to put the Lambda Players workshop addon as a required item for your addon.