Black Ops 3 Mod Tools Get Started - IceGrenade/bo3 GitHub Wiki
Welcome to Black Ops 3 Mod Tools Resources (Wiki's Tutorials) Get Started!
Black Ops 3 Wiki's
- T7 Wiki
- Reddit Super Mod Guide /Outdated, use this page instead(Massive)
- Ardivee Wiki (Small)
- Zeroy Wiki (Large)
- ModMe Wiki (Large)
- UGX-Mods Wiki (Large)
- Official Black Ops 3 Guide
- Mods Repository
- Modme
Video Learning Archive for Mod Tools Tutorials
- 60 Vids - IceGrenade Tutorials
- 5 Vids - IceGrenade Scripting Tutorials
- 14 Vids - LogicalEdits Tutorials
- 79 Vids - ZeRoY Tutorials
- 34 Vids - JBird Tutorials
- 9 Vids - GAM3VIDZ Tutorials
- 58 Vids - Smoenybfan Tutorials
- 51 Vids - UpTownPapi25 Tutorials
- 104 Vids - UpTownPapi25 Tutorials2
- 17 Vids - CabCon Tutorials
- 28 Vids - Mappers United Tutorials
- 34 Vids - Wakka Tutorials
- 8 Vids - MadGaz Tutorials
- 5 Vids - Verk0 Tutorials
- 34 Vids - Program115 Tutorials
- 57 Vids - CraftDAnimations Tutorials
Discord Groups for the Mod Tools
Useful Third-party Tools for Mod Tools
- Audacity - Making/Editing Sounds
- Sublime - Text Editor for GSC Scripting
- - Suitable Image Editor
- Greyhound - COD Asset Extractor
- MEGA.NZ - Online Cloud Storage
- 7zip - Working with Archives
- Gyazo - Easily Record GIF/JPG Screen captures
- ShareX - Alternative to Gyazo, more features
- CoDMayaTools - Maya Export in Bo3 format
- Zeus - Converting Geo to Models
- Hydrax
Other Useful Links
- DevRaw - Download Bo3 Assets & More
- Kingslayer Kyle Assets
- UGX-Mods Website
- ModMe Forums/Wiki/Tools
- MakeCents Website (Variety of Info)
If you would like to add to these lists please inform IceGrenade on Discord. ZGC Discord
Mod Tools Mega Thread (Press Ctrl+F to search for specific content)
Getting Started
Installing Mod Tools
- You need to own Black Ops 3 on Steam, this is the only way to own a PC version of the game.
- Then go to your Steam Library → Tools → Call of Duty: Black Ops III - Mod Tools and install.
- You may also want to install extra assets which include more models and textures. On the same page as installing the mod tools, right click them Properties → DLC → BOIII Mod Tools - Additional Assets and tick the "INSTALL" box. ADDITIONAL ASSETS IS ABOUT 50GB IN SIZE. Video Guide by JBird
- A desktop shortcut can be created when installing but use any methods you like to quick access the tools. If you would like to access a single program from within the tools, such as Radiant Black - the level design software, go to your Black Ops 3 "root folder" (default C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Call of Duty Black Ops III), modtools_launcher can be found here if you wish to make a shortcut to that, then go into bin where you can also find modlauncher, export2bin, Radiant_modtools and all other applications in BO3 Mod Tools
Other Software
- If you wish to do scripting, a text editor is required, preferably one which is dedicated to scripting. E.g. Sublime or Notepad++
- 2D Art and Texture creation will require software, this can be done in any image editing software and to an extent in modern text editors:
- Free → Gimp 2; Pixlr - online editor with many features; - do not get confused with MS Paint, this is way more advanced and was very useful in WaW Modding; see more free software here and decide which suits your needs.
- Paid → Photoshop; Microsoft Office Package - the likelihood of you having access to some features of this package are fair; in some of the software, images can be moved around, grouped, layers changed. Shapes and text can also be edited.
- 3D Modelling software - use paid (free for 3 years for students) Maya or free Blender. Animations can also be made in these softwares.
- Audio Editing - use free Audacity
- Video Editing (maybe for cutscenes or trailers) - use any: Sony Vegas - advanced; Windows Movie Maker - basic; Adobe Premiere - advanced.
- Porting Tools // COD Model Tools for Maya // Wraith // Kronos
- Mod Tools Basics
- Fixing "Clientfield Mismatch" Error
- Fixing "BrushModel" Error
- Templates
- Gameplay Standards
- Port WaW Custom Maps
Mapping - Environment Design
- Introduction to Radiant
- Prefabs/Object Grouping
- Detail - Models, FX, Textures
- Using Layers // Entity List
- Brush Editing
- Making Stairs
- Patch Detailing
- Arches and Tunnels
- Curved Wall and Floor
- Roofs and Domes
- Curb/Kerb Creating (Useful Patch Demos)
- Texture Blending
- Volume Decals
- Adding Detail
- Pose Manipulator
- Effects in Radiant (FX)
- Sky & Lighting
- Skyboxes and Lighting
- Alternate Guide
- Sunlight
- Caustic Lighting
- Changing Skybox/SSI
- Rotating Skybox
- Lightstates
- Volumetric Lighting
- Complete Lighting Guide
- Fix Light Bleeding
- Alternate Methods to fix light bleeding
- Reflection Probes
- Advanced Reflection Tutorial
- Continued Reflection Guide
- Continued Reflection Guide 2
- Sounds Throughout the Map
- Breakable Glass
- Dynamic Objects
- Liquids in Radiant
- Weather Grimes and Local Wind
Mapping & Scripting - Gameplay Objects
- Setting Up Sublime for GSC
- Scripting Text Tutorial // Scripting To Radiant, Shootable EE Reusable Code Demo Video, Part 2 - Points Reward and Scripted FX, Part 3 - Random Target Spawn Locations, Removing Clips, and Sound // Basic Scripting Tutorial by IceGrenade
- Different Clips and when to use them // Fitting Clips to Objects
- Colour Values for Scripts [20secs]
- Zones and Zombie Spawners // Water Risers
- Making a Very Basic Map Overview - Adding Zombies, Barriers, Zones, Player Spawns and Lighting
- Making Zombies Jump over Objects // Updated Traversal Prefabs // Debugging Zombie Pathing
- Doors and Debris
- Adding Buyable Weapons // Quick Changing Buyables / Change wallbuy values // Changing weapon attachments
- Adding Mystery Box Locations
- Adding Perk Machines // Gobblegum // Change from prone - use this for custom perks, for stock perks you can follow this: Quick guide
- Fix Perk Lighting
- Fix Perk Sounds
- Increasing Perk Limit
- Changing Starting Points: Specific Player // All
- Changing PAP Camos
- Buyable Endings
- Adding a Zombies Counter
- Change the Starting Weapon // Player Specific Start Weapons
- Changing Weapons in the Mystery Box // Prevent Arnie from taking up weapon slot
- Removing Dog Rounds
- Adding Map Intro Text
- Wall Running // Slides
- Music Easter Egg
- Widow's Wine
- Electric Cherry // Updated Version
- Shootable Easter Eggs
- The Giant Teleporters // SOE Teleporters
- Buildable Rocket Shield
- Buildable Power Switch
- Buyable Power-up
- Keycard Doors
- Making FX that damages players
- Growing Soul Boxes
- Moving map components, elevators, rotating objects and jump pads // Adding Moveable Vehicles
- Adding Brutus
- Adding Flogger
- Teleport Zombies from A-B
- Moving Vehicles
- Fire Trap
- Introduction to Asset Property Editor
- Creating Textures // Importing Materials/Textures // High Quality Textures
- Setup Export2Bin
- Maya Plugins & Xmodels
- Importing Models from other COD Games (Maya) // Alternate Guide // XModels into BO3 Format // Converting AI Animations (Maya)
- Importing Weapons (3arc) // Converting Weapon Animations (Maya) // Merge Fire and Settle Anims (Maya) // Ghosts ADS Anims // Setting Up in APE (+stats) // Convert Old Weapon Files //Weapon Sounds // Adding them to the mystery box // Setting Up Upgraded Variant // Setting Up Weapon Camo Tables - this allows camos to be applied to the weapon
- Starting and Laststand Pistols
- Custom Weapon Chalks // Weapon Port Infopedia Program
- Making Weapon Animations
- Installing JBird's Claymores
- Change Zombie Models
- Custom Music // Custom Announcer Quotes // Custom Round Change Music
- Custom Shaders // Alternate Guide // Alternate Guide // D-Pad HUD Setup
- Custom Perk Machine Models
- Custom Fonts
- Custom View Legs
- Waving Flag
- Video Playing // HANDLEBREAK for MKV converting and remove the audio, play it separate in script)
Finishing Touches
- Overall Ending Lighting - Lookup/Look Up Table (LUT)Alternative
- Custom Loading & Mission Briefing Screen
Debugging Issues
- Wallbuy 0 Zero Bug Fix (Prevent Restarts making wallbuys broken)
- Violent Shaking When Repairing Barriers
Radiant Black - Keyboard Shortcuts
XY View Window
` - Grid .5
1 - Grid 1
2 - Grid 2
3 - Grid 4
4 - Grid 8
5 - Grid 16
6 - Grid 32
7 - Grid 64
8 - Grid 128
9 - Grid 246
[ - Smaller Grid
] - Bigger Grid
LeftClick (Hold and Drag) - Draw Brush
RightClick - Context Option Menu
RightClick (Hold and Drag) Move Grid Position
Scroll Wheel - Zoom In/Out
Insert - Zoom Out
Delete - Zoom In
Ctrl-Tab - Swap between XY, YZ, etc views
- RightClick - Context Options Menu
- RightClick (Hold and Drag) - Move Around
- RightClick (Hold) MouseWheel - Forward Backwards
- Ctrl-RightClick (Hold and Drag) - Move Up Down Left Right
- Ctrl-Shift-RightClick (Hold and Drag) Look Around
- Shift-Alt-RightClick (Hold and Drag) - Select Multiple
- End - Fix Camera Position
- Shift-LeftClick - Select Object (Drag To Select Multiple)
- Ctrl-Shift-LeftClick - Select Object Face (Drag To Select Multiple)
- Middle Mouse - Apply Texture Clicked on To Selected Object
It's best to use a combination of right click hold + ctrl and shift to move but you can move with the keyboard:
- A - Pivot Up
- Z - Pivot Down
- D - Go Up
- C - Go Down
- , - Move Left
- . - Move Right
- Page Up - Move Up More
- Page Down - Move Down More
- Arrow Up - Move Forward
- Arrow Down - Move Backwards
- Arrow Left - Pivot Left
- Arrow Right - Pivot Right
- I - Select All
- H - Hide
- Shift H - Unhide
- Space - Duplicate Selected
- J - Toggle Wire Frame On Selected Object
- X - Cutting
- V - Show Vertexes on Selected Object
- (- numbpad ) Move Selected Object Down Grid
- (+ numpad) Move Selected Object Up Grid
- Ctrl-Z - Undo
- Esc - Deselect Everything
- Ctrl-Shift-A - Subdivide patch
- W (with two vertices selected) - Weld Vertices
- Ctrl-Shift-X - Unweld Vertices
- Ctrl-I - Invert Texture
- B - Entity Browser
- F - Filter Window
- G - gVertex Color/Alpha Editing
- K - Brings Up Colors on Selected Object
- L - Layers
- M - Models
- N - Entity Info
- O - Output
- P - Preferences
- S - Surface Inspector
- T - Textures
- Y - Advanced Patch Editing Options
You can find all keybinds in the Key Binding Window with Ctrl+K, either type in a cmd or action to find it, then you can set it to what you like, or enable the edit mode and drag out buttons into your radiant interface! See a full tutorial on keybinds IceGrenade Keybind Master Video
The Following Section has been taken from The Official Guide
RAM consumption values from an internal test Open Radiant with no map loaded, model and texture browser closed Base Mod Tools installation: 950MB With additional assets installed: 950MB Open Radiant with no map loaded, open Model and Texture browser and start scrolling through both Base Mod Tools installation: 6.5GB-7.5GB With additional assets installed: 6.5GB-8.5GB Open Radiant with no map loaded, open Model and Texture browser and scroll through all model assets Base Mod Tools installation: 9GB With additional assets installed: 13GB Open Radiant with ZM_Giant open, open Model and Texture browser and scroll through all model assets Base Mod Tools installation: 12GB With additional assets installed: 19GB
With this information and personal experience, I can recommend a minimum of 16GB to work on most projects. For larger projects a minimum of 32GB RAM is recommended. You can reduce the amount of RAM required by taking advantage of cubic clipping, prefabs and other resource management tools within Radiant.
Additional Support with Modding YouTube Channels