Hardware Guide - IanSB/RGBtoHDMI GitHub Wiki


:warning: Under Construction


There are currently three different hardware implementations of RGBtoHDMI:

  • The original 2018 3 bits per pixel "Beeb" RGBtoHDMI (hoglet): images/IMG_1390.JPG
  • The original 2018 4 bits per pixel "Atom" RGBtoHDMI (hoglet):
  • The new 2020 12 bits per pixel "Generic" RGBtoHDMI with optional analog front end (IanB): images/12bit.jpg

Parts needed

This section details the parts needed to put together a RGBtoHDMI system:

  • An RGBtoHDMI hat (as shown above)
  • A Raspberry Pi Zero or Zero W (PiHut), including:
    • 2x20 pin GPIO header
    • 1x2 pin reset header (additional)
  • A Micro SDHC Card (2GB or larger) (PiHut)
  • Suitable mounting hardware:
    • 11mm M2.5 spacers (4 off)
    • 6mm M2.5 machine screws (8 off)
  • Suitable video-in cable:
    • this will differ depending on the the source system, and on the RGBtoHDMI hat implementation
    • e.g. a 6-pin DIN to 6-pin Molex KK cable
  • Suitable video-out cable:
    • A mini-HDMI to HDMI cable (or DVI if that is what your Monitor needs) (PiHut)

Optional parts:

  • A USB/3.3V Serial cable for debugging (PiHut)