Assembly Notes (Atom Board) - IanSB/RGBtoHDMI GitHub Wiki

This page is a work in progress

Drilling the top of the enclosure

  • Mount bare PCB in the enclosure and make marks through the guide holes in the centre of the three push switches. Either mark with a needle, or carefully drill through with a fine drill bit. The LEDs are exactly 15mm further out than then switches.

  • Drill 4mm holes for the three switches, and 3mm holes for the the LEDs. Ideally use "lip and spur" drill bits (also called a brad point bit or dowelling bit), as these give a cleaner cut.

Assembling the PCB

Assemble in the following order

  • Parts marked NF on the PCB need not be fitted
  • Surface mount (Xilinx CPLD, three 0805 capacitors and SOT-23 IC)
  • Visually check the CPLD for solder bridges, as these are harder to fix when the through-hole parts are mounted
  • Capacitors on the underside, under the IC sockets
  • Resistors
  • IC Sockets
  • Capacitors
  • LEDs
  • Pi connectors
  • Headers
  • Clean the board with IPA
  • finally mount the switches

Configure the Pi

Basically just download and unzip the latest RGBtoHDMI release here onto a blank FAT32 formatted SD Card.

Program the CPLD

Skip this step if your board was supplies by Dave with a CPLD fitted - it has already been programmed.


CPLD programming instructions can be found here.

Adjust and test

Use the following program:

   10 GOSUB a
   20 FOR A=#8000 TO #81FF
   30 ?A=A
   40 NEXT
   50 LINK LL0
   70 DIM LL10
  100 JSR #FE66
  110 LDA #B002
  120 AND @#F7
  130 STA #B002
  140 LDX @9
  150 LDY @55
  170 DEY
  180 BNE LL1
  190 DEX
  200 BNE LL1
  210 LDA #B002
  220 ORA @#08
  230 STA #B002
  240 JMP LL0
  260 RETURN

To save typing this in, it is included in the Atom Software Archive, Chapter D, as "COLOUR TEST 1".

Finalise the Case

  • file groove in case to allow reset switch to fit in (it's very tight!, add photo)