Chapter 2 動狀詞 I. 不定詞 - Ian-Liu-1990/English GitHub Wiki


  1. S : 通常擺放句首
  2. O
  3. S.C
  4. O.C


  1. I have some news to report


  1. 目的 : they go home to study
  2. 理由 : I am delighted to introduce the new manager
  3. 結果 : He woke up to realize he was late for work

need/deserve/require 後接被動為Ving

  1. The dishes need Wishing

使役動詞 make / let / have + 原形不定詞

準使役動詞 help + 原形不定詞/to 不定詞

感官動詞 head/ see/ watch/ notice + O + 現在分詞/過去分詞(依補語動作而定)

  1. I watched him parking the vehicle
  2. Jack saw his memo posted