關係子句 - Ian-Liu-1990/English GitHub Wiki

  1. 形容詞

  2. 為修飾前方名詞或前面整個句子

  • 有加逗號: 修飾名詞或整個句子

    1. Jack has a brother, who is a chief.[只有一個哥哥]
    2. Wade finished his assignment early, which impressed his supervisor.
  • 沒有逗號: 修飾名詞

    1. Jack has a bother who is a chief.[可能有很多哥哥的其中一個]
  1. 結構: 關係代名詞 + 主詞(可省略) + 動詞 或 關係副詞 + 主詞 + 動詞

    • 關係代名詞: Who, whom, whose, which, that

    • 關係副詞: When, where, why, how

  2. 關代與關副後接的動詞不可以是動狀詞,名詞,副詞(刪除選項好幫手)

  3. 關代與關副後接的動詞必須和前面的名詞保持"數"和"語態"的一致

    1. : The company is need of an accountant who has certification.

    2. 語態 : We received two tickets for a jazz concert, which is recommended (by friends)[限定只有那場表演被推薦]


關代 主格 受格 所有格
who who/whom whose
事物, 動物 which which whose, of which
皆可 that that -
  • That: 介係詞和逗點之後,絕不可以使用

  • 干擾 : 關代與關代動詞之間加上 We believe 和 He thought,皆可以被省略

可省略"主格關代 + beV" 型式

  1. The location (which is) selected
  2. I need to speak with the persion (who is) responsible for the project


  1. This is the form (which) you must fill out for a membership

介係詞 + 關係代名詞

  • 關係代名詞接的不完整子句有介系詞片語接受詞就要小心
  • 還原命案現場 :
症狀 句子
主要子句出現相同受詞 I interview a woman
修飾相同受詞 介係詞 + 受詞 I had previously met with women
關係子句修飾主要子句 I interview a woman whom I had previously met with her
her 多餘[刪除] I interview a woman whom I had previously met with
with 誰? (不清楚, 可能是相同人,也可以是不相同)[with + 關代表是相同人] I interview a woman with whom I had previously met

數量表達式 + 關係代名詞

  • 不管哪一種 都只有 Of + 受格whom(表人) / 受格which(表事) / 所有格whose(人事物的)


  1. 時間[Day, Year, Time] : when
  2. 場所[Place, Building] : where
  3. 理由[the reason] : why
  4. 方法[the way] : how 或 the way不可連用
  • when : 依據先行詞使用方法改成 介係詞 + which
  1. Friday is the day when discounts are offered. => discounts are offered on Friday
    • Friday is the day on which discounts are offered.
  2. The date when I started this job was February 28 => I work on February 28
    • The date on which I started this job was February 28
  • where : 依據先行詞使用方法改成 介係詞 + which
  1. The building where the employees work is safe => the employee work in the building(大地方)
    • The building in which the employees work is safe
  2. The station where I am waiting for him => I am waiting at station for him
    • The station at which I am waiting for him

關係子句 VS 副詞子句

句型 位置 完整性
關係子句(關代) 只能放在S和V之間或句尾 不完整句子,缺乏S 或 O
關係子句(關副) 只能放在S和V之間或句尾 完整句子
副詞子句 可以放在句首