副詞子句 [表示原因,目的和結果] [特殊用語] - Ian-Liu-1990/English GitHub Wiki


連接詞 例句 介係詞 例句 副詞
besause 因為 - besausce of / due to / owing to / on account of - hence / consequently / accordingly
as 因為 - 作為 -
since 因為 - 自從
Now that 既然 despite / in spite of / with all(儘管) Despite his busy schedule, Bill made it to the meeting on time neverthless / nonethless(儘管)
in that 因為(基於~理由) with[中華電信] / according to
so that 為了 for
in order that 為了 for


連接詞 例句 介係詞 例句 副詞
except that 除了~以外 except[本身即介詞] (for) / excepting
but that 除了~以外 apart from / aside from
as if 彷彿
as though 彷彿
(just) as與時態連接"當~"易混淆 彷彿
given that 考慮到 Given that Chinese New Year is comming, here are some great gift idea
considering (that) 考慮到 It is great how the product is selling, considering it was released just a week ago