副詞子句 [表時間連接詞] - Ian-Liu-1990/English GitHub Wiki

  1. 副詞,表示時間[與另一個動作時間上的" 關係 "(沒有說明確切時間)] 或 條件的修飾句

  2. 結構: 以連接詞 + S + V = 副詞子句

  3. 副詞子句和關係子句一樣,S + 動詞為beV,beV可以直接省略

  4. 找到主要句子,副詞子句作為修飾語放在修飾語的位置,主要子句的前後

副詞子句分詞構句 Vs 介系詞

  • 介系詞 + 名詞 :

    1. 表示並" 指出 "場所

    2. 表示並" 說明 "時間[ " 時間點和期間 " ]

    3. 表示並" 詳述 "原因

  • 接偽裝型態

  1. 介系詞 + N一般名詞
  2. 介系詞 + 動名詞Ving[ 作為名詞 ] + 後面不可能再加任何名詞 或 動詞
  3. 介系詞 + 分詞[ 作為形容詞 ] + N + 後面不可能再加任何名詞 或 動詞


  • 原句:
  1. Allen who is one of the gifted students in my class.
  2. Allen got only mediocre scores in his major studies.
  3. 說明原因 To+不定詞 或 介系詞 + 名詞 : _____ most of his time devoted to the extracurricular activities
  • 合併:
  • With most of his time (which is) devoted to the extracurricular activities[關代+beV可省略], Allen, (who is) one of the gifted students in my class[關代+beV可省略], got only mediocre scores in his major studies[真動詞 got]


  • 原句: After the passengers checked in, the passengers headed to immigration

  • 分詞構句: After checking in, the passengers headed to immigration.

  • 原句: The machine runs, unless (the machine is) switched off (by whom)

  • 分詞構句: The machine runs, unless switched off (by whom)

  • 原句: I haven't been to USA since I was a child

  • 分詞構句: Since Being a child, I haven't been to USA.

  • 分詞構句的動詞是現在分詞還是過去分詞,是依據動詞與主要子句主詞之間的關係

表示時間[與另一個動作時間上的" 關係 "(沒有說明確切時間)]

解釋 連接詞 例句 介系詞 例句
until 直到[關係] Vistors are not permitted entry until they have signed in 持續到~為止[點出] The Librayr will be opened until 7'o clock
when/as when the winner was announced, the auidence applauded. 表示兩個動作或狀態同時發生, 但沒有持續進行
while while (I am) driving to work, I listened to the news on radio 表示兩個動作或狀態同時發生, 但持續進行
since 自從... I have been to an amusement park since I was a child 自從+時間點 I havn't won the game since last year
once 一旦...就 We will ship your order once we receive payment 副詞[一次, 曾經] -
as soon as = immediatelt after(連接詞片語不可分割) 一...就... The student ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell rang
until after 直到...為止 Please remain seated until after the seatbelt light has been switched of - -
  • 副詞子句連接詞之後 "必用現在式代替未來式"
  • since後接副詞子句過去式,主要子句用現在完成式

副詞子句 Vs 關係子句

子句 完整性 位置
副詞子句 連接詞接完整子句有S + V 可至於句首
關係子句(關代) 關係代名詞接不完整子句 缺S或O 前行詞和動詞之間或句尾
關係子句(關副) 關係代副詞接完整子句 缺S或O 前行詞和動詞之間或句尾
連接副詞 不可獨立存在連接兩個子句