TO DO - ITA-Solar/solo-spice-ql GitHub Wiki



method mk_analysis

  • look at initial value of fit components, make it more efficient, possibly use moments


  • change window_index to extension_number

Level 3 creation (PRIORITY)

  • Do NOT assume extension number, always check extension name
  • add keyword output_filename
    • added instead keyword top_dir. I do not want to change the filenames if possible
  • line fitting:
    • check results, i.e. residuals
    • may hav to implement some peak searching in addition to predefined lines
  • Add all P-related keywords to all extensions
  • SOLARNET = 0.5 or 1.
    • check comment of keyword
  • OBS_HDU = 2 (signals that the HDU contains SOLARNET Type P data
    • check comment of keyword
  • constant mask extension may be optional

Pointing in SPICE FITS files

  • corrections in extension, use them
    • not done in this way, wait

WIKI pages

  • keep it updated


  • Review routines for inclusion in prits_tools (or other prits_xxx classes):

    • spice_*
    • sdc_*
  • create .sav file for catalog + .json

  • make it possible to view movies using ximovie (e.g. in xwhisker, xdetector and/or directly in object)

  • implement calibration in object and/or getwindata

  • get some numbers for gain, yield and dark current for error calculation in getwindata

  • check position keywords for axis, when those are displayed in pixels (PXBEGx, PXENDx)

  • check for windows with binned data, including Intensity windows