Level 3 FITS file : Extension 2 (Lambda) - ITA-Solar/solo-spice-ql GitHub Wiki
- Level 3 FITS file
- [Extension 0 - Results (Fit components and parameters)](#--extension-0---results--fit-components-and-parameters--level-3-fits-file---extension-0--results---)
- [Extension 1 - Data](#--extension-1---data-level-3-fits-file---extension-1--data---)
- Extension 2 - Lambda
- [Extension 3 - Weights](#--extension-3---weights-level-3-fits-file---extension-3--weights---)
- [Extension 4 - Includes](#--extension-4---includes-level-3-fits-file---extension-4--includes---)
- [Extension 5 - Constants](#--extension-5---constants-level-3-fits-file---extension-5--constants---)
- [Extension X - Residuals](#--extension-x---residuals-level-3-fits-file---extension-x--residuals---)
Extension 2 - Lambda
This extension IS NOT SAVED by default, since it can easily be reproduced by using the function WCS_GET_COORD together with the WCS parameters from the data header. However, the user may decide to save this cube anyway, by setting the keyword SAVE_XDIM1 when calling ANA2FITS.
Data cube
This extension contains the wavelength for each pixel. The dimensions are as follows:
- Lambda, X, Y, Time
General Keywords
EXTNAME = Extension name
RESEXT = Extension name of results extension
DATAEXT = Extension name of data extension (this is a link to an external extension)
XDIMXT1 = Extension name of 1st dimension absorbed by analysis
WGTSEXT = Extension name of weights extension
INCLEXT = Extension name of include extension
CONSTEXT = Extension name of constant extension
World Coordinate System (WCS) keywords
WCSNAME = Name of coordinate system
LONPOLE = Native longitude of the celestial pole
SPECSYS = Spectral coord. not corrected for S/C velocity
VELOSYS = [m/s] Default for SPECSYS='TOPOCENT'
CTYPE1 = Type of 1st coordinate (fit parameter)
CNAME1 = Name of 1st coordinate
CUNIT1 = Units for 1st coordinate (for CRVAL1, CDELT1)
CRVAL1 = [nm] 1st coordinate of reference point
CDELT1 = [nm] Increment of 1st coord at ref point
CRPIX1 = [pixel] 1st pixel index of reference point
PC1_1 = Contribution of dim 1 to coord 1
CTYPE2 = Type of 2nd coordinate
CNAME2 = Name of 2nd coordinate
CUNIT2 = Units for 2nd coordinate (for CRVAL2, CDELT2)
CRVAL2 = [arcsec] 2nd coordinate of reference point
CDELT2 = [arcsec] Increment of 2nd coord at ref point
CRPIX2 = [pixel] 2nd pixel index of reference point
PC2_2 = Contribution of dim 2 to coord 2
PC2_3 = Contribution of dim 3 to coord 2
CTYPE3 = Type of 3rd coordinate
CNAME3 = Name of 3rd coordinate
CUNIT3 = Units for 3rd coordinate (for CRVAL3, CDELT3)
CRVAL3 = [arcsec] 3rd coordinate of reference point
CDELT3 = [arcsec] Increment of 3rd coord at ref point
CRPIX3 = [pixel] 3rd pixel index of reference point
PC3_2 = Contribution of dim 2 to coord 3 due to roll
PC3_3 = Contribution of dim 3 to coord 3
CTYPE4 = Type of 4th coordinate
CNAME4 = Description of 4th coordinate
CUNIT4 = Units for 4th coordinate (for CRVAL4, CDELT4)
CRVAL4 = [s] 4th coord of ref point, relative to DATEREF
CDELT4 = [s] Increment of 4th coord at ref point
CRPIX4 = [pixel] 4th pixel index of reference point
PC4_2 = Contribution of dim 2 to coord 4 due to roll ; _optional, only for rasters_
PC4_4 = Contribution of dim 4 to coord 4
BTYPE = Type of data
UCD = Unified Content Descriptors v1.23
BUNIT = Physical units of calibrated data