Detailed dependency table - ISnackable/dotfiles GitHub Wiki

This is a complete list of dependencies needed for making my AwesomeWM configuration work properly. If you install all of them you will have a (mostly) smooth out of the box experience. Also if you are willing to edit a few configuration files, which you will have to do at some point, most of these dependencies can be replaced. For example you can replace alacritty with kitty,konsole with terminator.

If you notice that something is missing, please open an issue so I can add the dependency to this table.

Dependency Description Why/Where is it needed?
base, base-devel, linux-headers, dialog, wget, curl Linux base packages (explains itself)
network-manager, network-manager-applet, wpa_supplicant Managing network (explains itself)
zsh Shell (explains itself)
git Version source control tool (explains itself)
yay AUR helper (explains itself)
xorg Display server (explains itself)
awesome (git master branch) Window manager (explains itself)
sddm Display manager For Login screen
alacritty Terminal emulator (explains itself)
neovim editor (explains itself)
tmux Multiplexer (explains itself)
thundar File manager (explains itself)
firefox Web browser (explains itself)
rofi Window switcher, application launcher (explains itself)
picom A compositor for X, to get window transparency and avoid tearing and vsync issues Window transparency
light Gets/Sets screen brightness Brightness keybinds
lm_sensors CPU temperature sensor CPU temperature widgets
acpid Daemon for delivering ACPI events, to monitor the battery status Charger notifications
pulseaudio Sound system (Installed by default on most distros) Volume widgets and keybinds
jq Parses json output To-do widgets
inotify-tools Monitors filesystem events Brightness widget updates
redshift Controls screen temperature Night mode command
maim Takes screenshots (improved scrot) Screenshot keybinds
feh Image viewer and wallpaper setter Screenshot previews, wallpapers
xdotool command-line automation tool Sending keys to ncmpcpp