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ISETOnline is deigned to achieve these goals:
Provide a usable repository for "expensive" data, scenarios, and results that are created by the various ISET projects and collaborators. (Currently the data storage tier is implemented as a set of indexed and cross-referenced collections in mongodb.)
Provide the Matlab code needed to augment the ISET family of libraries by allowing them convenient access to the repository.
Specifically, augment ISETAuto with a full suite of tools to create, manage, store, and access EXRScenes, ISETScenes, Lighting Scenarios, and Sensor Images -- including creating a website to access and work with them that doesn't require MATLAB or Python.
Provide a useful portal into ISET's data, assets, results, and other resources to the broader research community. (Currently this consists of a middleware tier written node.js, coupled with a front-end written in React for Javascript). (Both layers are part of the ISETOnline repo, assisted by Matlab scripts also found in the ISETOnline repo).
In all cases, support as much computation on the data as possible with as little user effort as practicable. For the front-end this includes filtering, sorting, analysis, and possibly some computation without requiring a full ISET install.