Vertical Layout Directive - IRobot1/ng3-vr-examples GitHub Wiki
Add to ngt-group to vertically position child controls based on their height. This avoids the need to use absolute positioning.
<ngt-group vertical-layout [margin]="[0, 0.02, 0]" [position]="[-0.95, 0.75, 0.002]">
<ngt-group horizontal-layout>
<flat-ui-label [text]="'radio'" [width]="0.6"></flat-ui-label>
<ngt-group horizontal-layout>
<flat-ui-label [text]="'slider'" [width]="0.6"></flat-ui-label>
<ngt-group horizontal-layout>
<flat-ui-label [text]="'string'" [width]="0.6"></flat-ui-label>
Always wrap controls with ngt-group to guarantee the order. Otherwise, async loaded controls will appear at the end since they are added last as children of the layout group.
During layout, LAYOUT_EVENT
is dispatched to each visible child object. All flat-ui controls listen for this event and return their width and height
this.mesh.addEventListener(LAYOUT_EVENT, (e: any) => {
e.width = this.width;
e.height = this.height;
e.updated = true;
Layout uses this to calculate the child object's y position relative to previous controls.
Vertical layout supports a NgtVector3 margin
. Use this to add extra space to the top and bottom of each control.
Layout listens for HEIGHT_CHANGED_EVENT
events. All ng3-flat-ui dispatch this event when their height changes.
set height(newvalue: number) {
this._height = newvalue;
if (this.mesh) {
this.mesh.dispatchEvent({ type: HEIGHT_CHANGED_EVENT });
Vertical layout adds HEIGHT_CHANGED_EVENT
event listeners for any new controls added to the group.
Vertical layout checks if updates are needed 60 times a second.