Numpad - IRobot1/ng3-vr-examples GitHub Wiki

Keypad for number input. Supports clipboard operations.




Name Type Default Description
text string blank Text value
popupmaterial Material Theme popup material (color gray) Popup panel background color. Set to override custom material
labelmaterial Material Theme label material (color white) Material used for button text. Set to override with custom material
selectable InteractiveObjects undefined Add to list of objects ray caster can test for overlap
geometry BufferGeoemtry Rounded rectangle shape Override to provide your own geometry for numpad background


Name Type Description
pressed boolean Triggered when key button pressed
change number Triggered when text changed. Event contains new text
close void Triggered when interaction outside of numpad


<flat-ui-numpad *ngIf="input.shownumpad" [text]="input.method.text"
                [position]="input.position" [rotation]="input.rotation" [selectable]="selectable"
                (change)="input.method.text = $event" (close)="input.shownumpad=false;input.closeinput()">