Menu Mini - IRobot1/ng3-vr-examples GitHub Wiki
Menu as row of icon buttons. Tooltip text displayed underneath
Name | Type | Default | Description |
menuitems | Array | empty | List of menu items |
margin | number | 0.02 | Space between buttons |
width | number | <calculated> | Calculated width of menu in meters |
selectable | InteractiveObjects | undefined | Add to list of objects ray caster can test for overlap |
<flat-ui-menu-mini [menuitems]="menuitems" [selectable]="selectable"></flat-ui-menu-mini>
menuitems: Array<MenuItem> = [
{ text: 'Insert After', keycode: '', icon: 'add', enabled: true, submenu: this.actionmenu, selected: () => { this.showactions = true } },
{ text: 'Delete', keycode: 'DELETE', icon: 'delete', enabled: this.commands.length > 1, selected: () => { } },
{ text: 'Translate', keycode: 'T', icon: 'open_with', enabled: true, submenu: this.translatemenu, selected: () => { this.showtranslate = true } },
actionmenu: Array<MenuItem> = [
{ text: 'Line to', keycode: 'L', icon: '', enabled: true, selected: () => { } },
{ text: 'Vertical Line to', keycode: 'V', icon: '', enabled: true, selected: () => { } },
{ text: 'Horizontal Line to', keycode: 'H', icon: '', enabled: true, selected: () => { } },
{ text: 'Cubic Curve to', keycode: 'C', icon: '', enabled: true, selected: () => { } },
{ text: 'Bezier Curve to', keycode: 'Q', icon: '', enabled: true, selected: () => { } },
{ text: 'Close Path', keycode: 'Z', icon: '', enabled: true, selected: () => { } },