Drag Panel - IRobot1/ng3-vr-examples GitHub Wiki
Draggable window panel. Panel can be expanded, collapsed, resized and closed.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
title | string | blank | Panel title |
titlefontsize | number | 0.07 | Size of title font |
overflow | number | 16 | Number of characters to display before text is truncated |
width | number | 1 | Width of panel in meters |
minwidth | number | 0.5 | Minimum width allowed when resizing |
height | number | 1 | Height of panel in meters |
minheight | number | 0.5 | Minimum height allowed when resizing |
resizable | boolean | false | When true, resizing the window is allowed. When false, resizing is now allowed |
expanded | boolean | true | When true, panel is visible. When false, panel is not visible |
scalable | boolean | true | When true, scaling the window is allowed. When false, scaling is not allowed |
minscale | number | 0.5 | The minimum scale allowed for the window |
locked | boolean | false | When true, dragging is disabled. When false, dragging is allowed |
showexpand | boolean | true | When true, button to expand and collapse is visible. When false, button is not visible |
showclose | boolean | true | When true, close button is visible. When false, close button is not visible and close is now allowed |
selectable | InteractiveObjects | undefined | Add to list of objects ray caster can test for overlap |
panelmaterial | Material | Theme panel material (color black) | Panel background material. Set to override with custom material |
titlematerial | Material | Theme panel material (panel color, transparent, opacity=0.3) | Panel title material. Set to override with custom material |
outlinematerial | LineBasicMaterial | Theme outline material (color white) | Outline material. Set to override with custom material |
labelmaterial | Material | Theme label material (color white) | Title label material. Set to override with custom material |
scalematerial | Material | Theme scale material (color white) | Scale material. Set to override with custom material |
resizematerial | Material | Theme scale material (color white) | Resize material. Set to override with custom material |
Name | Type | Description |
close | boolean | Triggered when close button selected. Event value is always true |
widthchange | number | Triggered when width changes due to resizing |
heightchange | number | Triggered when height changes due to resizing |
<flat-ui-drag-panel *ngIf="showimage" [title]="'Image Panel'" [showexpand]="false" [locked]="true"
[resizable]="false" [width]="2" [height]="1.5" [panelmaterial]="panelmaterial"
[position]="[1.6, 1, -2.001]" [rotation]="[0, -30 | radian, 0]" [selectable]="selectable"
<ng-template let-parent="parent">
<ngt-group [appendTo]="parent" [position]="[0, 0, 0.002]">
<ngt-plane-geometry [args]="[1.95, 1.45]"></ngt-plane-geometry>
<ngt-mesh-standard-material [map]="texture"></ngt-mesh-standard-material>