Data Grid - IRobot1/ng3-vr-examples GitHub Wiki
Used to display rows of data with customizable columns.
Rows of data with optional header and footer
Name | Type | Default | Description |
vmargin | number or Vector2 | 0.01 | Margin to add before and after a cell |
hmargin | number or Vector2 | 0.01 | Margin to add above and below a cell |
datasource | Array | empty | The source of data that can be shown in each row of cells |
rowcount | number | 5 | Number of rows to display |
rowheight | number | 0.1 | Height of a row in meters |
width | number | 0 | Read-only calculated width taken up by grid in meters |
height | number | 0 | Read-only calculated height taken up by grid in meters |
displaycolumns | Array | empty | Array of column names and order to display them |
pivot | boolean | false | Pivot the data so columns are rows and rows are columns |
Name | Type | Description |
widthchange | number | Triggered when width of data grid changes |
heightchange | number | Triggered when height of data grid changes |
addcolumn(column: FlatUIDataGridColumn) // add column definition at runtime
firstindex(): number // read-only index in data source of first row being displayed
refresh() // force display to update
movefirst() // refresh display to first row in data source
moveprevious() // refresh display to previous row at top
movenext() // refresh display to next row at top
movelast() // refresh display to show last row count of data
Defines a column to render in a data grid
Name | Type | Default | Description |
name | string | undefined | Name of column |
width | number | 0.5 | Width taken up by column in meters |
Optionally include in a grid to navigate data in the grid. The paginator is excluded from horizontal or vertical layout and must be positioned programmatically. Must also use [appendTo] in order to attach the paginator to the grid.
Name | Type | Default | Description |
showlabel | boolean | true | When true, show row position information - of . When false, row position info is hidden |
showfirstlast | boolean | true | When true, show first and last navigation buttons. When false, buttons are removed |
buttonsize | number | 0.1 | Size of navigation buttons in meters |
buttonspacing | number | 0.01 | Space between buttons |
selectable | InteractiveObjects | undefined | Add to list of objects ray caster can test for overlap |
width(): number // read-only width taken up by paginator. Useful for position relative to grid
The following example also shows how lines can be added around the header, footer and rows.
<flat-ui-data-grid #grid [vmargin]="vmargin" [hmargin]="hmargin"
[datasource]="elements" [displaycolumns]="['Name','Weight', 'Symbol','Description']"
(widthchange)="widthchange($event)" (heightchange)="heightchange($event)">
<flat-ui-paginator #page [visible]="showpaging" [showlabel]="showpagelabel"
[showfirstlast]="showfirstlast" [buttonsize]="pagebuttonsize" [selectable]="selectable"
[position]="[0, -grid.height-pagebuttonsize/2, 0]" [appendTo]="grid.instance.value">
<!-- heading -->
<ng-template #columnHeader let-column="column" let-index="index" let-parent="parent">
<ngt-group [appendTo]="parent">
<flat-ui-label [visible]="showheading" [width]="column.width" [text]="" [height]="showheading ? headingheight : 0" [labelmaterial]="blackmaterial.instance.value"></flat-ui-label>
<ngt-line *ngIf="index==0 && showhlines" [position]="[-column.width/2, showheading ? -headingheight/2 : 0, 0]" [geometry]="hline" [material]="blackmaterial.instance.value"></ngt-line>
<ngt-line *ngIf="index==0 && showheading && showhlines" [position]="[-column.width/2, headingheight/2, 0]" [geometry]="hline" [material]="blackmaterial.instance.value"></ngt-line>
<ngt-group *ngIf="showvlines">
<ngt-line *ngIf="index==0" [position]="[-column.width/2, showheading ? headingheight/2 : 0, 0]" [geometry]="vline" [material]="blackmaterial.instance.value"></ngt-line>
<ngt-line [position]="[column.width/2, showheading ? headingheight/2 : 0, 0]" [geometry]="vline" [material]="blackmaterial.instance.value"></ngt-line>
<!-- columns -->
<flat-ui-data-grid-column [name]="'Name'">
<ng-template #columnRow let-row="row" let-column="column" let-parent="parent">
<ngt-group [appendTo]="parent">
<flat-ui-label [width]="column.width" [height]="rowheight" [text]=""></flat-ui-label>
<ngt-line *ngIf="showhlines" [visible]="" [position]="[-column.width/2, -rowheight/2-vmargin, 0]" [geometry]="hline"></ngt-line>
<flat-ui-data-grid-column [name]="'Weight'">
<ng-template #columnRow let-row="row" let-column="column" let-parent="parent">
<ngt-group [appendTo]="parent">
<flat-ui-label [width]="column.width" [height]="rowheight" [text]="row.weight"></flat-ui-label>
<flat-ui-data-grid-column [name]="'Symbol'">
<ng-template #columnRow let-row="row" let-column="column" let-parent="parent">
<ngt-group [appendTo]="parent">
<flat-ui-label [width]="column.width" [fontsize]="0.2" [height]="rowheight" [text]="row.symbol"></flat-ui-label>
<flat-ui-data-grid-column [name]="'Color'">
<ng-template #columnRow let-row="row" let-column="column" let-parent="parent">
<ngt-group [appendTo]="parent">
<flat-ui-input-color [width]="column.width" text="rgb({{row.r}},{{row.g}},{{row.b}})"></flat-ui-input-color>
<flat-ui-data-grid-column [name]="'Description'" [width]="2.7">
<ng-template #columnRow let-row="row" let-column="column" let-parent="parent">
<ngt-group [appendTo]="parent">
<flat-ui-label [enabled]="false" [width]="column.width" [height]="rowheight" [text]="row.description"></flat-ui-label>
<!-- footer -->
<ng-template #columnFooter let-column="column" let-index="index" let-parent="parent">
<ngt-group [appendTo]="parent">
<flat-ui-label *ngIf="index==1" [visible]="showfooter" [width]="column.width" [height]="showfooter ? footerheight :0" [text]="totalweight" [labelmaterial]="blackmaterial.instance.value"></flat-ui-label>
<flat-ui-label *ngIf="index!=1" [visible]="showfooter" [width]="column.width" [height]="showfooter ? footerheight :0" [text]="''"></flat-ui-label>
<ngt-group *ngIf="showfooter && showhlines">
<ngt-line *ngIf="index==0" [position]="[-column.width/2, -footerheight/2, 0]" [geometry]="hline" [material]="blackmaterial.instance.value"></ngt-line>
<ngt-line *ngIf="index==0" [position]="[-column.width/2, footerheight/2, 0]" [geometry]="hline" [material]="blackmaterial.instance.value"></ngt-line>