Card Actions - IRobot1/ng3-vr-examples GitHub Wiki
When hovering over card, action buttons that appear around the card. Auto hide after delay or when one is clicked.
Actions can be defined in code or declaratively using <
export interface CardAction {
position: NgtTriple;
materialicon: string;
label?: string;
data?: any;
Name | Type | Default | Description |
actions | Array | empty | List of card actions |
buttonwidth | number | 0.1 | Width of button in meters |
buttonheight | number | 0.1 | Height of button in meters |
iconsize | number | 0.1 | Size of icon within the button |
showlabels | boolean | false | Show label under the button |
closedelay | number | 2 | Seconds after which the buttons are hidden |
selectable | InteractiveObjects | undefined | Add to list of objects ray caster can test for overlap |
Name | Type | Description |
action | CardAction | Triggered when button clicked |
<flat-ui-card-actions [actions]="actions" [showlabels]="true" [selectable]="selectable"
[buttonwidth]="buttonwidth" [buttonheight]="buttonheight"
(action)="doaction('actions', $event)">
<flat-ui-card-action [position]="[-cardsize/2-buttonwidth/2-padding, cardsize/2-buttonheight*0.5, 0]" [materialicon]="'open_with'" [label]="'Translate'">
<flat-ui-card-action [position]="[-cardsize/2-buttonwidth/2-padding, cardsize/2-buttonheight*1.5-padding, 0]" [materialicon]="'sync'" [label]="'Rotate'">
<flat-ui-card-action [position]="[-cardsize/2-buttonwidth/2-padding, cardsize/2-buttonheight*2.5-padding*2, 0]" [materialicon]="'zoom_out_map'" [label]="'Scale'">