Card - IRobot1/ng3-vr-examples GitHub Wiki
Card with content defined in template
Card supports optional dragging
Name | Type | Default | Description |
width | number | 1 | Width of card in meters |
height | number | 1 | Height of card in meters |
cardtype | string | 'card' | Optional. Type name for the card. For example, task, bug or story |
data | any | undefined | Optional. Data to associated with the card |
allowdragging | boolean | true | When true, the card can be dragged. When false, dragging is disabled |
showhover | boolean | true | When true, outline appears around card when hovering. When false, hovering is disabled |
cardmaterial | Material | Theme panel material (color black) | Panel color. Set to override with custom material |
outlinematerial | LineBasicMaterial | Theme outline material (color white) | Material used for button outline. Set to override with custom material |
selectable | InteractiveObjects | undefined | Add to list of objects ray caster can test for overlap |
geometry | BufferGeoemtry | Rounded rectangle shape | Override to provide your own button geometry |
<flat-ui-card [width]="width" [height]="cardheight" [selectable]="selectable" [data]="task">
<ng-template #card let-parent="parent">
<ngt-group [appendTo]="parent" [position]="[0, 0, 0.001]">
<flat-ui-divider [width]="width-listmargin*2" [position]="[0, cardheight/2-0.01, 0]" [dividermaterial]="task.type.material"></flat-ui-divider>
<flat-ui-material-icon [text]="task.type.icon" [labelmaterial]="task.type.material" [position]="[-width/2+0.05, cardheight/2-0.08, 0]">
<flat-ui-label [text]="task.title" [width]="width-listmargin" [position]="[0.08, cardheight/2-0.08, 0]"></flat-ui-label>
<flat-ui-avatar [radius]="0.05" [initials]="task.owner.initials" [position]="[width/2-0.1, cardheight/2-0.08, 0]"></flat-ui-avatar>
<flat-ui-label [text]="task.description" [width]="width-0.01" [aligny]="'top'" [position]="[0, cardheight/2-0.15, 0]"></flat-ui-label>