Basic Image - IRobot1/ng3-vr-examples GitHub Wiki
Image using Basic Material
Image supports hover and clicking like a button when enabled
Name | Type | Default | Description |
map | string | blank | Optional. URL of texture to display |
maptexture | Texture | blank | Optional. Already loaded texture to display |
width | number | 1 | Width of image in meters |
height | number | 1 | Height of image in meters |
enabled | boolean | false | When true, image can be pressed. When false, press and hover are disabled |
outlinematerial | LineBasicMaterial | Theme outline material (color white) | Material used for button outline. Set to override with custom material |
selectable | InteractiveObjects | undefined | Add to list of objects ray caster can test for overlap |
Name | Type | Description |
pressed | void | Triggered when button clicked |
<flat-ui-basic-image [width]="1.95" [height]="1.45" [map]="image" [enabled]="true" [selectable]="selectable" (pressed)="nextimage()">