Optimize Web App. - ILLYAKO/mywiki GitHub Wiki

How to reduce HTTP requests and speed up a website 0. Audit webapp performance1.
0.1 Choose a reliable hosting provider
1.1. Use Content Distribution Network CDN (exp. jQuery cdn link) and leverage browser caching
1.2. Browser Local Storage Object
2.1. Optimize and combine resources (images, CSS, js)
2.2. Compress your images and iframe your videos (user youtube or wistia, instead original video) (tinypng https://tinypng.com/)
Linux comand> sips -Z 300 image.png
2.3. Combine images in one file(button images or background), combine very used js files in one js file, combine very used CSS file in one CSS file
3.1. Implement the lazy loading technique
3.2. Image loading lazy or smaller version comes first and bigger after.
3.3. use URI instead of small pictures (data URI Generator) + GZIP
4.1. Unload unnecessary resources from pages
4.2. Use your fonts the smart way (reduce font amount)
4.3. Remove Dependencies (such as jQuery or Bootstrap if not used)
5. Set your website to load JavaScript files asynchronously
6.1. Minify your code (compiler or UglifyJS)
6.2. Minimizing the number of external scripts
7. Gzip your files - compressing the file
8. Optimize Render Blocking Resources
9. Using Static Pages if possible
10. Rewrite your site

*chrome dev tools lighthouse

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