Kubernetes - ILLYAKO/mywiki GitHub Wiki

Kubernetes (K8S)



  • Terminology and key features of the Kubernetes
  • Create Kubernetes cluster locally
  • Create and scale deployments
  • Build custom Docler image and create deployment using published image
  • Create services and deployments using YAML files
  • Connect different deployments together
  • Change container runtime from Docker to CRI-O

1. Terminology and key features of the Kubernetes

Kubernetes is a container orchestration system

1.1. Kubernetes:

  • Automatic deployment of the containerized application across different servers
  • Distribution of the load across multiple servers
  • Auro_scaling of the deployed applications
  • Monitoring and health checks of the containers
  • Replacement of the failed containers

1.2. Kubernetes supports

Container runtimes:

  • Docker
  • CRI-O
  • containerd

1.3. Pod

Pod is the smallest unit in the Kubernetes world

Pod has:
-Containers (one or more)(One container per pod is the most common use case)
-Shared Volumes
-Shared IP Address
The containers in the same pod share Volumes and IP address

Kubernetes Pod Anotomy

1.4. Kubernetes Cluster has Mater and Worker Nodes

Kubernetes Cluster -> Node -> Pod -> Container

Kubernetes Cluster

Node is a server (physical or cloud) that could be located in different places
Node inside Kubernetes Cluster
Pod inside Node
Container inside Pod

The Master Node has system pods that manage the worker nodes.
The worker Node has client containers.

Each Node (Master and Worker) has Kubernetes Services:
-kube-proxy responses for net communication inside the node and between nodes
-Container Runtime that is running the container inside each node

Master Node has:
-API Server that communicates with kubelet of each Node and manages Cluster by kubectl
-Scheduler that is responsible for planning and distribution of the load between different nodes in the cluster
-Kube Controller Manager that is responsible for Cluster what happened in the Cluster
-Cloud Controller Manager that is responsible for interaction with the cloud service provider where the nodes are stored
-etcd store all logs of Kubernetes Cluster
-DNS service for name resolution in Kubernetes Cluster

Kubernetes Services

kubectl (kube control) is a Command Line Tool. it allows you to connect to a cluster and manage it remotely by HTTPS

Kubernetes Cluster Management

2. Software

Required software:

  • minikube creates a Kubernetes cluster with a single Node(Master and Worker)
  • Virtual machine or Container Manager(VirtualBox*, VMware*, Docker, HYper-V*, Parallels) *-recommended
  • kubectl remote control
  • Visual Studio Code + Kubernetes extension

2.1. Installing kubectl with Chocolatey package manager https://kubernetes.io

https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/ https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl-windows/#install-nonstandard-package-tools

2.1.1. Open PowerShell as administrator and run

> choco install kubernetes-cli

2.1.2. Check version

> kubectl version --client
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"26",....


2.2.1. Check Windows version


2.2.2. Open CMD

systeminfo Hyper-V Requirements

2.2.3. Create batch file, save as hyper-v.bat, right-click run as administrator, and restart

pushd "%~dp0"
dir /b %SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\*Hyper-V*.mum >hyper-v.txt
for /f %%i in ('findstr /i . hyper-v.txt 2^>nul') do dism /online /norestart /add-package:"%SystemRoot%\servicing\Packages\%%i"
del hyper-v.txt
Dism /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Hyper-V -All /LimitAccess /ALL

2.3. Installing minikube


A Kubernetes cluster can be deployed on either physical or virtual machines. To get started with Kubernetes development, you can use Minikube. Minikube is a lightweight Kubernetes implementation that creates a VM on your local machine and deploys a simple cluster containing only one node. Minikube is available for Linux, macOS, and Windows systems. The Minikube CLI provides basic bootstrapping operations for working with your cluster, including start, stop, status, and delete.

2.3.1. Open PowerShell as administrator and run

> choco install minikube

2.3.2. Check version

> minikube version
minikube version: v1.28.0

2.3.3. Help command

> minikube help

3. Kubernetes

3.1. Kubernetes Cluster

3.1.1. Check the current status of the Kubernetes Cluster before

minikube status

3.1.2. Create Kubernetes Cluster with driver Hyper-V (create docker container inside Cluster, create cluster inside a virtual machine. Creating a virtual machine(cluster) 'minikube' with help of Hyper-V.

minikube start --driver=hyperv
minikube start --vm-driver hyperv -v 7 --alsologtostderr

3.1.3. Check the current status of the Kubernetes Cluster after

minikube status
Normal Status:

type: Control Plane
host: Running
kubelet: Running
apiserver: Running
kubeconfig: Configured

3.1.4. SSH connection Check Cluster IP to see which IP address was assigned to a virtual machine that is running our Kubernetes node

minikube ip SSH is a standard protocol for the management of any servers (including remote servers)

But Minikube also provides command to SSH into the local minikube node minikube ssh
If you set --driver=docker you should use minikube ssh because ssh docker@minikube IP will not work. SSH connection

ssh [email protected]
default username: docker
default password: tcuser Check the running docker container in the SSH tunnel to cluster (Docker is default container runner)

$ docker ps

Optional Note:
Minikube also provides kubectl tool and you could run commands for example like this
minikube kubectl --cluster -info Close SSH connection


3.1.5. Check cluster into

kubectl cluster-info

3.1.6. See Node in Cluster

kubectl get nodes See nodes usage

kubectl top nodes

3.1.7. See pods (in default namespace)(The pods will be created in default namespaces)

kubectl get pods See pods with details

kubectl get pods -owide See pods usage

kubectl top pods See pods in the kube-system

kubectl -n kube-system get pods

3.1.8. See namespaces

kubectl get namespaces

3.1.9. See pods in the specific namespace

kubectl get pods --namespace=kube-system

3.1.10. Create pods

The docker image will be pulled and the docker container will be created inside the pod.
The name of the Pod doesn't have to match with image name

kubectl run <pod_name> --image=<docker_image>
kubectl run nginx --image=nginx
output: pod/nginx created

3.1.11. check pods

kubectl get pods

3.1.12. Get details of the pod

kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
kubectl describe pod nginx

3.1.13. SSH connection to Node

ssh [email protected]

3.1.14. Check Docker Container and filter with 'nginx'

docker ps | grep nginx
There are two containers one is for nginx and the second is for post-container. the post-container is required to keep the name of the pod.

3.1.15. Connect to the container by id sh-executable

docker exec -it <container_id> sh

$ docker exec -it 0d1d403ea8af sh

3.1.16. Check the container hostname

# hostname output: nginx

3.1.17. Check IP address of container

# hostname -i

3.1.18. Connect to web server nginx inside of this container

# curl output HTML <title>Welcome to nginx!</title> # exit $ exit

3.1.19. Find IP address of pod

kubectl get pods -o wide If there are several containers in the Pod -they share the same IP address

3.1.20. Delete pod

kubectl delete pod <pod_name> kubectl delete pod nginx output: pod 'nginx' deleted kubectl get pods output: No resources found in default namespace.


Linux alias k="kubectl"
Powershell Set-Alias -Name k -Value kubectl

3.2. Creating and exploring Deployment

A Kubernetes Deployment tells Kubernetes how to create or modify instances of the pods that hold a containerized application. Deployments can help to efficiently scale the number of replica pods, enable the rollout of updated code in a controlled manner, or roll back to an earlier deployment version if necessary.

3.2.1. Kubectl create deployment <deployment_name> --image=<image_name>

kubectl create deployment nginx-deployment --image=nginx output:deployment.apps/nginx-deployment created See deployments

kubectl get deployments output: nginx-deployment See pods

kubectl get pods output: nginx-deployment-5fbdf85c67-vsjvz this pod is managed by deployments See details of deployments

kubectl describe deployment nginx-deployment
The connection between deployment and pods through the deployment-selector to pod-label
The Replicaset manages all pods related to the deployment
The Events id "ScalingReplicaSet"
NewReplicaSet: nginx-deployment-5fbdf85c67 (1/1 replicas created) See kubectl get pods

kubectl get pods output: nginx-deployment-5fbdf85c67-vsjvz
the pod prefix is equal to ReplicaSet Pods details

kubectl describe pod <pod_name>
kubectl describe pod nginx-deployment-5fbdf85c67-vsjvz

3.2.2. Scale the deployment replicas=5

kubectl scale deployment <deployment_name> --replicas=<requered_number>
kubectl scale deployment nginx-deployment --replicas=5 output:deployment.apps/nginx-deployment scaled Check pods

kubectl get pods
Replica name: nginx-deployment-5fbdf85c67
Pod name : nginx-deployment-5fbdf85c67-9hv28

kubectl get pods -o wide Scale the deployment replicas=3 SSH connection to Node

minikube ip
ssh [email protected]
Connect to pod from the node
the pod IP is dynamic and changed each time when pod is created.

3.3. Create Kubernetes Services

Kubernetes services connect a set of pods to an abstracted service name and IP address. Services provide discovery and routing between pods.

Cluster IP is connected to a specific deployment.
The external IP address of the node
Load Balancer IP - from a cloud provider
kubectl get deploy = kubectl get deployment

3.3.1. Expose container port

kubectl expose deployment <deployment_name> --port=<deployment_external_port> --target-port=<container_port>

kubectl expose deployment nginx-deployment --port=8080 --target-port=80 output:service/nginx-deployment exposed
the default port of the nginx server is 80

3.3.2. List of the services

kubectl get services or kubectl get svc
"kubernetes service" is defaulted system service
"nginx service" is a new service and has a virtual IP address created by Kubernetes which use to connect to any of the pods. Cluster IP allows connecting to any pod from inside the cluster only.

3.3.3. Get Cluster IP from the inner node

ssh [email protected]
curl output: HTML <h1>Welcome to nginx!</h1>

curl <cluster_ip>:<explosed_port>

3.3.4. Describe the service

kubectl get svc
kubectl describe service nginx-deployment

Name:              nginx-deployment
Namespace:         default
Labels:            app=nginx-deployment
Annotations:       <none>
Selector:          app=nginx-deployment
Type:              ClusterIP
IP Family Policy:  SingleStack
IP Families:       IPv4
Port:              <unset>  8080/TCP
TargetPort:        80/TCP
Endpoints:,, Delete deployment

kubectl delete deployment nginx-deployment Delete Service

kubectl delete service nginx-deployment See deployments and services

kubectl get deploy
kubectl get services

4. Creating Nodejs web application


4.0.1. Install Docker Extention and Kubernetes Extention on VS Code

4.0.2. Run Docker Desktop

4.0.3. Create DockerHub account https://hub.docker.com/Create DockerHub account https://hub.docker.com/ Remote DocherHub repository https://hub.docker.com/repositories/illyako

4.1. Create directory kubernets-nodejs/k8s-web-hello and npm init

mkdir kubernets-nodejs/k8s-web-hello
cd kubernets-nodejs/k8s-web-hello
npm init -y

4.2. Install express

npm install express
delete directory node-modules delete directory kubernetes-notejs/k8s-web-hello

4.3. Modify package.json and Add script

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node index.mjs"

4.4. Create file index.mjs (ex6 syntax)

import express from 'express'
import os from 'os'

const app = express()
const PORT = 3000

app.get("/", (req, res) => {
  const helloMessage = `VERSION 2: Hello from the ${os.hostname()}`

app.listen(PORT, () => {
  console.log(`Web server is listening at port ${PORT}`)

4.5. Create the kubernetes-notejs/k8s-web-hello/Dockerfile

FROM node:alpine



COPY package.json package-lock.json ./

RUN npm install

COPY . ./

CMD ["npm", "start"]

4.6. Build a custom image for application

cd .\k8s-web-hello\
docker build . -t illyako/k8s-web-hello

docker build . -t <dockerhube_account_name>/<repository_name>

4.6.1. See images in local repository

docker images | grep k8s-web

4.7. Push image to dockerhub

docker login
docker push illyako/k8s-web-hello

docker push <dockerhube_account_name>/<repository_name>

4.7.1. Remote DocherHub repository


4.8. Create Kubernetes deployment on the DockerHube images

kubectl get deploy
kubectl get services
kubectl create deployment k8s-web-hello --image=illyako/k8s-web-hello output: deployment.apps/k8s-web-hello created

kubectl create deployment <deploymetn_name> --image=<dockerhube_account_name>/<repository_name>

4.8.1. See pods

kubectl get pods

4.9. Create service, Expose and create Cluster IP

kubectl expose deployment k8s-web-hello --port=3000 output: "service/k8s-web-hello exposed"
Port 3000 is a port of the NodeJs server

4.9.1. Check services

kubectl get svc

4.10. Create SSH tunnel to minikube node and Connect to Cluster IP

minikube ip
ssh [email protected]

curl <cluster_ip>

4.11. Scale the Deployment (4 pods)

kubectl get deploy
kubectl scale deployment k8s-web-hello --replicas=4
kubectl get pods -o wide

4.11.1. Check Cluster IP

kubectl get svc

4.11.2. Connect to Cluster IP many times with SSH tunnel and observe the different pods' id

curl; echo
Hello from the k8s-web-hello-dcc56d869-vtjjf
Hello from the k8s-web-hello-dcc56d869-n9hvt
Hello from the k8s-web-hello-dcc56d869-z2zw9

4.11. Modify Service Type (ClusterIP(default), ExternalName, NodePort, LoadBalancer)

4.11.1. Delete old service

kubectl delete svc k8s-web-hello
kubectl get svc

4.11.2. Crete NodePort Service makes access available to inner pods.

kubectl expose deployment k8s-web-hello --type=NodePort --port=3000
kubectl get svc

NAME            TYPE        CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
k8s-web-hello   NodePort   <none>        3000:32137/TCP   2m52s

minikube ip output:

4.11.3. Go to browser address output: "Hello from the k8s-web-hello-dcc56d869-z2zw9"


4.11.4. Get a connection with minikube service

minikube service k8s-web-hello the new tab in the browser is opened and there is a node server respond

4.11.5. Show URL

minikube service k8s-web-hello --url

4.12. Create LoadBalancer

4.12.1. Delete existing service kubectl delete svc k8s-web-hello

kubectl get svc

4.12.2. Create service type=LoadBalancer

kubectl expose deployment k8s-web-hello --type=LoadBalancer --port=3000
kubectl get svc

4.12.3. Get a connection with minikube service

minikube service k8s-web-hello
the new tab in the browser is opened and there is a node server respond

4.12.4. Details:

kubectl get svc
kubectl get deploy
kubectl describe deploy k8s-web-hello

StrategyType: RollingUpdate means that new pods will be created when old pods are running

4.13. Modify file index.mjs

4.13.1. Build new image

docker build . -t illyako/k8s-web-hello:2.0.0

4.13.2. Push the image to Dockerhub

docker push illyako/k8s-web-hello:2.0.0

4.13.3. Set a new image for deployment

kubectl set image deployment k8s-web-hello k8s-web-hello=illyako/k8s-web-hello:2.0.0

4.13.4. See the status of updates

kubectl rollout status deploy k8s-web-hello

4.13.5. Check the pods

kubectl get pods

4.13.6. See changes

kubectl get svc minikube service k8s-web-hello

4.14. Roll back the image, change the tag

kubectl set image deployment k8s-web-hello k8s-web-hello=illyako/k8s-web-hello

4.14.1. See the status of updates

kubectl rollout status deploy k8s-web-hello

4.14.2. Check the pods

kubectl get pods

4.15. If the pod is deleted a new pod will be created automatically

kubectl delete pod <pod_name>

4.16. Kubernetes dashboards

minikube dashboard

5. Declarative approach

5.0. Delete all in the namespace (deployments, services, pods)(Kubernetes Service was deleted but after that, it was recreated)

kubectl delete all --all

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: k8s-web-hello
  replicas: 5
      app: k8s-web-hello
        app: k8s-web-hello
      - name: k8s-web-hello
        image: illyako/k8s-web-hello
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "250m"
        - containerPort: 3000

5.2. Apply deployment

cd kubernetes-nodejs kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

5.2.1. See deployments

kubectl get deploy

5.3. Create service.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: k8s-web-hello
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: k8s-web-hello
  - port: 3030
    targetPort: 3000

5.3.1. Apply services

cd kubernetes-nodejs
kubectl apply -f service.yaml
kubectl get svc

5.3.2. Check service

minikube service k8s-web-hello

5.3.3. Delete deploy and service

kubectl delete -f deployment.yaml -f service.yaml
kubectl get deployment
kubectl get service

6. Create two deployments and connect them

two deployments

6.1. Connection from one service to other in index.mjs

app.get("/nginx", async (req, res) => {
  const url = 'http://nginx'  // connection to nginx service
  const response = await fetch(url);
  const body = await response.text();

6.2. Create a new folder k8s-web-to-nginx

cd k8s-web-to-nginx
npm install node-fetch // install nodejs package
delete directory node-modules

6.3. Build Docker Image

cd k8s-web-to-nginx
docker build . -t illyako/k8s-web-to-nginx

6.4. Push to DockerHub

docker push illyako/k8s-web-to-nginx

6.5. Combine Custom Deployment and Service in one file k8s-web-to-nginx.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: k8s-web-to-nginx
  type: LoadBalancer
    app: k8s-web-to-nginx
  - port: 3333
    targetPort: 3000
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: k8s-web-to-nginx
  replicas: 3
      app: k8s-web-to-nginx
        app: k8s-web-to-nginx
      - name: k8s-web-to-nginx
        image: bstashchuk/k8s-web-to-nginx
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "250m"
        - containerPort: 3000

6.6. Create service and deployment YAML file for nginx

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: nginx
    app: nginx
  - port: 80
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx
  replicas: 5
      app: nginx
        app: nginx
      - name: nginx
        image: nginx
            memory: "128Mi"
            cpu: "125m"
        - containerPort: 80

6.7. Apply deploy and service

cd kubernetes-nodejs
kubectl apply -f k8s-web-to-nginx.yaml -f nginx.yaml

6.7.1. See deployments and service

kubectl get deploy
kubectl get svc

6.7.2. Edit deploy

kubectl edit deploy <deployment_name>

6.7.3. Verify the connection between deployments

get URL
minikube service k8s-web-to-nginx

6.8. Connect to URL/nginx

connection from one service to other in index.mjs BY NAME OF the SERVICE

app.get("/nginx", async (req, res) => {
  const url = 'http://nginx'  // connection to nginx service
  const response = await fetch(url);
  const body = await response.text();

6.9. Kubernetes DNS

kubectl get pods

6.10. Kubectl exec command can take any pod and execute commands inside the container

kubectl exec k8s-web-to-nginx-6ffcdb76-g6vr7 -- nslookup nginx

kubectl exec <pod_name> -- nslookup <server_name>
We try to resolve the nginx name from inside the container. The DNS server gives the IP address of nginx

6.10.1. See service

kubectl get svc
there is a server IP which is like from the exec command

6.10.2. Connect to the nginx server and return root page

kubectl exec k8s-web-to-nginx-6ffcdb76-g6vr7 -- wget -qO- http://nginx
output: Html

Welcome to nginx!

6.10.3. Delete apps

kubectl delete -f nginx.yaml -f k8s-web-to-nginx.yaml
service "nginx" deleted
deployment.apps "nginx" deleted
service "k8s-web-to-nginx" deleted
deployment.apps "k8s-web-to-nginx" deleted

7. Change Container Runtime to Cri-o

7.0. Delete minikube

minikube status
minikube stop
minikube delete

7.1. Create minikube Cluster

minikube start --driver=hyperv --container-runtime=cri-o
minikube status

7.2. SSH Tunel to Cluster

minikube ip output:
ssh [email protected]

ssh docker@<cluster_ip>

7.2.1. Inside minikube

docker ps output: "Cannot connect to the Docker daemon"

7.2.2. Check cri-o container

sudo crictl ps

7.3. Deploy the application using CRI-O container

7.3.1. Apply YAML configuration

In VS-Code terminal
kubectl apply -f k8s-web-to-nginx.yaml -f nginx.yaml

7.3.2. Check status

kubectl get deploy kubectl get svc kubectl get pods

7.3.3. Check service

minikube service <service_name> minikube service k8s-web-to-nginx

8. Deploy Kubernetes on AWS - ES2


The virtual machine on AWS-ES2

8.1. AWS Management Console

EC2->Instanses->Lanche Instanses->Choose an Amazon Machine Image(AMI)->Ubuntu Server->Choose Instace Type->t3.micro->Number of Instances 3 ->Default setting-> Configure Security Group->Create a new key pair->Launch Instances
Security Group->Edit inbound rules->add SSH
Instances->rename instances(Master, Worker-1, Worker-2)

Steps and Commands:

(This assumes you have 3 servers up and running)

  1. On each server, install Docker (Installation guide: https://docs.docker.com/engine/instal...) curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubu... | sudo apt-key add - sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(lsb_release -cs) stable" sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce

  2. On each server, install kubernetes (Installation guide: https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/prod...) curl -s https://packages.cloud.google.com/apt... | sudo apt-key add - cat &lt&lt EOF | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list deb https://apt.kubernetes.io/ kubernetes-xenial main EOF sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl

  3. On each server, enable the use of iptables echo "net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables=1" | sudo tee -a /etc/sysctl.conf sudo sysctl -p

  4. On the Master server only, initialize the cluster sudo kubeadm init --pod-network-cidr=

(After this command finishes, copy kubeadm join provided)

  1. On the Master server only, set up the kubernetes configuration file for general usage mkdir -p $HOME/.kube sudo cp -i /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf $HOME/.kube/config sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config

  2. On the Master server only, apply a common networking plugin. In this case, Flannel kubectl apply -f https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cor...

  3. On the Worker servers only, join them to the cluster using the command you copied earlier. kubeadm join --token ... --discovery-token-ca-cert-hash ...

And that's it! You should now have a working kubernetes cluster!

9. Deploy Kubernetes on Docker Desktop


9.1 Enable Kubernetes

Docker Desktop->Setting->Kubernetes->check box Enable Kubernetes->Apply&restart
Context: docker-desktop

9.2 Check kubectl in wsl2-ubuntu

kubectl get all

NAME                 TYPE        CLUSTER-IP   EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)   AGE
service/kubernetes   ClusterIP    <none>        443/TCP   19m

9.3 Create deployment.yaml

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: order-deployment
    app: orderlabel
  replicas: 3
      app: orderlabel
        app: orderlabel
        - name: orderapi
          image: nginx
              memory: "128Mi"
              cpu: "500m"
            - containerPort: 80

9.3.1 Apply deployment

kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml

9.3.2 Get the pods

kubectl get pods

9.4 Create service.yaml

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: order-service
    app: orderlabel
  type: LoadBalancer
    - protocol: TCP
      port: 8083
      targetPort: 80

9.4.1 Apply service

kubectl apply -f service.yaml

9.4.2 Get services

kubectl get services output

NAME            TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)          AGE
kubernetes      ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP          41m
order-service   LoadBalancer   localhost     8083:31371/TCP   82s

External link localhost:8083

9.5 Get all all

kubectl get all

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