Data Sources - ICPI/GIS GitHub Wiki
PEPFAR Internal Data Sources
Access PEPFAR's official boundaries for operating units (OUs) at various enumeration levels. You can download shapefiles direction from AGOL for use in your preferred software. If using ArcGIS Pro, you'll be able to search for and add data to your project directly through the Add Data button. Note: You will need to request access to the PEPFAR group before you will be able to view and download spatial files
Here you can add various data layers to the map and then download the data to your computer. This is especially helpful for downloading facilities locations for a specific country or region. Data will download in geojson format. This can be converted using your preferred GIS software or online tools such as MyGeoData Converter. R Code for Pulling Data from DATIM can be found in the Denominators Repository
Panorama Geospatial files on SharePoint
These geospatial files form the basis for PEPFAR Panorama maps
External Data Sources
Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)
HDX is an open platform for sharing data, managed by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The platform hosts a wide array of subnational geospatial data sets, including monthly automated data pulls from OpenStreetMap on key infrastructure features such as roads, buildings, waterways, etc.
International Census Bureau: Subnational Population by Sex, Age, and Geographic Area
The Census Bureau calculates subnational 5-year age/sex group population estimates and projections for the years 2000 through 2015 or 2020 for countries sharing bilateral efforts with the U.S. Government as part of PEPFAR.
SEDAC/CIESIN Gridded Population of the World v4
For GPWv4, population input data are collected at the most detailed spatial resolution available from the results of the 2010 round of Population and Housing Censuses, which occurred between 2005 and 2014. The input data are extrapolated to produce population estimates for the years 2000, 2005, 2010, 2015, and 2020.For this latest release, eight data sets originally released in July 2016 with version 4 have been updated, and a ninth data set, on basic demographic characteristics (age and sex), has been added.
World Pop
New data sources and recent methodological advances made by the WorldPop program now provide high resolution, open and contemporary data on human population distributions, allowing accurate measurement of local population distributions, compositions, characteristics, growth and dynamics, across national and regional scales.
Malaria Atlas Project
The Malaria Atlas Project (MAP) brings together a global network of researchers with expertise in a wide range of disciplines, from public health to mathematics, geography, and epidemiology. There are two newly available global data sets of interest: Global Friction Surface 2015 and Accessibility to Cities 2015.
DHS Spatial Data Repository
The Spatial Data Repository provides geographically-linked health and demographic data from The DHS Program. Key resources include survey boundaries, indicator data, modeled surfaces, and geospatial covariates.
AidData GeoQuery
GeoQuery provides access to integrated satellite, conflict, aid, economic, health and more subnational data. In addition, users can access global administrative boundaries, a data set they update annually.
GADM is database of Global Administrative Areas. They seek to provide boundary files for the administrative areas of all countries, at all levels of sub-division.