JSON Format for Graphs - IBMStreams/streamsx.topology GitHub Wiki

JSON Format for Graphs

A Topology contains a representation of its graph built using GraphBuilder. A graph is a collection of operators and the connections between them. GraphBuilder produces a JSON representation of the graph which is then transformed into SPL (from the JSON) using SPLGenerator.

JSON is used as an intermediary to allow other languages to produce a JSON representation of a graph and then utilise the Java code to generate SPL and submit to an instance, etc.

Graph (top-level) object

Attribute Type Value
name string Name of the topology/graph
namespace string Namespace of the topology/graph
public boolean Is the graph public (true for top-level graphs)
config object Graph configuration object
operators array Array of Operator objects (nodes) in the graph
parameters object Object with key,value pairs with key being the parameter name, value is a Parameter

Graph configuration object

Attribute Type Value
topology.vmArgs array of strings Additional Java virtual machine arguments for Java operators

Operator object

Attribute Type Value
name string name of the operator, needs to be unique within the graph
kind string SPL kind of the operator
sourcelocation object JSON object with information about the original source locations (optional)
parallelOperator boolean True if the operator is parallelized (optional)
width any width of parallel region (required if parallelOperator is true). May be a number or a SubmissionParameter.
partitioned boolean true if parallel partitioned
parallelInputPortName string partitioning port for parallel (required if parallelOperator is true)
outputs array Output ports objects (optional)
inputs array Input port objects (optional)
runtime string Runtime for operator (if known) (optional): spl.java SPL Java primitive
parameters object Object with key,value pairs with key being the parameter name, value is a Parameter value object
config object Operator configuration object
lowlatencyTag string Operators with the same id are part of the same low latency region and must be fused together. (optional) (pending rename to lowLatencyRegion and move to Operator Placement object)
autonomous boolean True if the operator starts a autonomous region (optional).

Output Port object

Attribute Type Value
type string SPL type of the output (e.g.tuple<int32 a rstring b>)
type.native string Optional Native language (Java/Scala) type when known.
name string name of the output port
connections (??) string array Names of input ports connected to input port

Input Port object

Attribute Type Value
type (??) string SPL type of the input (e.g.tuple<int32 a rstring b>)
name string name of the input port
connections string array Names of output ports connected to input port
window object Window input port object for input port (optional)
queue object Queue input port object (optional) - not present means no input port queue

Window Input Port object

Attribute Type Value
type string StreamWindow.Type name including NOT_WINDOWED
evictPolicy string Evict StreamWindow.Policy name (optional if NOT_WINDOWED)
evictConfig number Time in milliseconds or count of tuples
triggerPolicy string Trigger StreamWindow.Policy name (required if SLIDING)
triggerConfig number Time in milliseconds or count of tuples

Queue Input Port object

If an input port has a queue then it is also threaded. Currently only default queue size & number of threads (1) is supported, but future may add multi-threading and configurable queue size.

Attribute Type Value
functional boolean True if this is for a functional operator. if true then there will be a parameter queueSize for the operator (assumes a single input port at the moment).

Parameter value object

Attribute Type Value
value any Value of the parameter
type string Optional type for the value. Present when value requires a non-default interpretation. For a string value, type can be one of: enum, spltype, attribute, USTRING (utf16). For a Byte,Short,Integer,Long value, type can be UINT8,UINT16,UINT32,UINT64 respectively. For a object, type can be: submissionParameter for SubmissionParameter value.

SubmissionParameter parameter value object

Attribute Type Value
name string The submission parameter name.
metaType string The type of the submission parameter. One of: RSTRING (utf8), USTRING (utf16), BOOLEAN, FLOAT32, FLOAT64, INT8, INT16, INT32, INT64, UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64.
defaultValue any Optional default value for the parameter whose type is appropriate for the metaType.

Source code location object

Attribute Type Value
file string Optional source file name
class string Optional class name
method string Optional method name (Java/scala)
line string Optional line number in file
topology.method string method name for the application api

Operator Configuration object

Attribute Type Value
streamViewability boolean Can the stream be viewed by external applications/admin.
placement object Operator placement object

Operator Placement object

Attribute Type Value
explicitColocate string Operators with the same value must be fused together.
isolateRegion string Operators with the same value are part of the same isolation region. Operators from one region must not be fused with operators in another region.
resourceTags string array The operator must be placed in a container that will be associated with a resource that has all of the specified tags.