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Welcome to the Supply Chain Solutions wiki. Starting in 1Q 2022 and beyond we will be posting new tutorials and code samples every few weeks to help you, your clients, and your users develop solutions using the IBM Intelligence Suites. Below is a menu of planned content -- be sure to check back to see what new use cases have come online (the links will become active as they are published).

Have suggestions, corrections, or ideas for new topics? Please submit an issue.

Click an example below to get started (click here for list view)

Planning analytics dashboard
Supply & Demand
Inbound supply visibility
Supply & Demand
Stockout and excess management
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Shipment visibility dashboard
Late shipment management
Renewable energy asset performance
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Produce quality inspection
Severe weather events
Inventory at risk due to fire and flood
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Disclaimer: The code samples and other example code-like assets that are posted below are being made available as reference implementations and/or reasonable starting points for actual solution development. They are being made available "as is" without any warranty or formal support from IBM of any kind. If you find an issue with, or have a suggestion for improvement for, any sample or example posted below, please submit an Issue using the link above and it will be addressed on a best-effort basis.

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