Exploring Grafana WEB interface for CNSA project in a k8s OCP environment - IBM/ibm-spectrum-scale-bridge-for-grafana GitHub Wiki

The Grafana application host URL is stored in the grafana-route instance.

Example output:

[[email protected] ~]# oc get route -n $NAMESPACE
NAME            HOST/PORT                                                PATH   SERVICES          PORT   TERMINATION   WILDCARD
grafana-route   grafana-route-grafana-for-cnsa.apps.hw.cp.fyre.ibm.com          grafana-service   3000   edge          None

In a browser put the 'HOST/PORT' URL to open a Grafana user interface. Click on ‘Sign In’ from the bottom left menu of Grafana, and log in using the default username and password configured earlier(root/secret).


Click on Configuration > Data Sources in the side menu and you’ll be taken to the data sources page where you can review and test grafana-bridge datasource settings.



In the OpenTSDB settings make sure the version "2.3" is selected. Finally click on 'Save & Test' button.


In the Grafana web interface sidebar, hover the cursor over Dashboards (squares) icon, and then click Manage. The simple dashboard is listed as member of the my-folder folder.


Click on the dashboard name (simple) to open this dashboard.
