Deploying Grafana Operator from OperatorHub using the OpenShift web console - IBM/ibm-spectrum-scale-bridge-for-grafana GitHub Wiki
- Create a new project, for example: my-grafana
[root@mycluster-inf ~]# oc new-project my-grafana
Now using project "my-grafana" on server "".
- Navigate to OperatorHub and select the community-powered Grafana Operator. Press Continue to accept the disclaimer, press Install, and press Subscribe to accept the default configuration values and deploy to the my-grafana namespace.
Within some time, the Grafana operator will be made available in the my-grafana namespace.
You can also verify the grafana operator successfully installed in the 'my-grafana' namespace using command line
[root@mycluster-inf ~]# oc get po -n my-grafana
grafana-operator-857c86c65d-62t7m 1/1 Running 0 78s