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Welcome to the IITMConnect wiki!
Production Server URL : http://iitmconnect.iitmadras.in/
First Time User Guide
Visit the IITMConnect URL. Since you are not yet signed in, you will be redirected to the Login URL which is http://iitmconnect.iitmadras.in/account/signin.
Step 1 : Log in
The Login Page looks like this.
We currently let users log in only via Social Accounts. This saves us the trouble of account verification and maintenance. Also the users need not create and remember another password specifically for IITMConnect.
Step 2 : Grant Access to IITMConnect
Let's take the case when you choose to login via Facebook. After clicking on the Sign in with Facebook button, you will be redirected to the Facebook site to first log in there.
You may not see the above page to if you are already logged into Facebook on that browser. In which case you will directly see the page asking you to grant access to the iitmadras ( iitmadras is the registered name of the IITMConnect Application on Facebook ).
Click on okay to give access to the IITMConnect Application.
Step 3 - Enter Roll Number
After granting access to the App, enter your Roll number.
Step 4 - Enter Basic Information
Only once you enter the roll number, is your account created on the IITMConnect application. Since this is the first time you are logging in, you will be redirected to the Basic Information Page. You must fill the Basic information completely before you can access any of the features of IITMConnect.
That's it! If you were able to follow the above steps then your account has been successfully created on IITMConnect. The next time you login you will directly be taken to Home page.
You can now visit the home page or access any other features from the top navigation bar.