Compilling Xmipp with Matlab - I2PC/xmipp GitHub Wiki

Xmipp has a binding to MATLAB, which allows the user to run specific Xmipp functions inside MATLAB.

Previous requirements

It is required to have a regular MATLAB installation.


Make sure you have these settings in your Xmipp configuration file (xmipp-bundle/xmipp.conf) before compiling Xmipp:


MATLAB_DIR=<path to your MATLAB instalation> (usually something like: MATLAB_DIR=/home/user/MATLAB/R2021b)


  1. Compile Xmipp normally (once the settings are as above): ./xmipp or scipion run ./xmipp
  2. Open MATLAB
  3. In MATLAB, set the path to Xmipp binding: HOME > Set Path > Add Folder... and select the path to the binding (<path to xmipp>/xmipp-bundle/build/bindings/matlab), then, click in Open and Save
  4. Now you should be able to run functions like xmipp_read() in MATLAB