sep_17_2019 - I2PC/scipion-courses GitHub Wiki

Course Material


16:30 (PPT)

  1. Introduction to Model building, present model building
  2. Problem to solve: Haemoglobin, present tutorial data and aim
  3. Kahoot 000 (refresh key figures needed in the processing)
  4. Make sure ALL people open tutorial
  5. Connection to amazon -> USE CABLE
  6. Import volume in SCIPION
  7. 3D Map preprocessing (create mask, sharpening, unit cell) (monores, sharpening)


  1. Import sequence in SCIPION
  2. import reference atom struct
  3. Structure Prediction by Sequence Homology. Searching for Homologues (web site)
  4. Moving from sequence to atomic structure scenario chimera modeller


  1. Merging 3D Maps and Atomic Structures: Rigid Fitting
  2. Refinement: Flexible fitting, coot, refmac, real space refine
  3. kahoot 200


  1. Summary
  2. Kahoot
  3. Structure validation and comparison validation cryoem, emringer
  4. Create B subunit
  5. Building the unit cell use our very own beta
  6. The whole macromolecule
  7. subtract pdb from model
  8. EMDB deposition


  1. contacts (Roberto), show example from a paper
  2. Superpose PDB
  3. survey? 18:00
