sep_10_2019 - I2PC/scipion-courses GitHub Wiki

Course Material


11:30 (PPT)

  1. Introduction to Model building (Marta), present model building
  2. Problem to solve: Haemoglobin (Marta), present tutorial data and aim 12:00

  1. Kahoot 000 (refresh key figures needed in the processing) SCIPION
  2. Make sure ALL people open tutorial
  3. Connection to amazon -> USE CABLE
  4. Import volume and sequence data (Roberto) 13:00


  1. 3D Map preprocessing (create mask, sharpening, unit cell) (monores, sharpening) (Roberto)
  2. Structure Prediction by Sequence Homology. Searching for Homologues (web site) (Roberto)
  3. import reference atom struct (roberto) 15:00
  4. Moving from sequence to atomic structure scenario chimera modeller (Marta)
  5. Merging 3D Maps and Atomic Structures: Rigid Fitting (Marta)
  6. kahoot 200 (marta) 16:00


  1. extra tutorial coot (roberto)
  2. Refinement: Flexible fitting (roberto), coot, refmac
  3. real space refine (roberto)(tomorrow?) 18:30


  1. Summary
  2. Kahoot
  3. Structure validation and comparison(Marta)(tomorrow?) validation cryoem, emringer
  4. Create B subunit. (Marta)
  5. Building the unit cell (Marta) use our very own beta
  6. The whole macromolecule (Marta)
  7. subtract pdb from model 1, EMDB deposition (Marta) 11:00


  1. contacts (Roberto), show example from a paper
  2. Superpose PDB
  3. survey? 13:00
