Rigid_fitting - I2PC/scipion-courses GitHub Wiki

  • Rigid fitting of homology models

Modeling workflow to fit the first model of the alpha subunit of the human haemoglobin to the map asymmetric unit (middle part of the alpha subunit modeling workflow):

Rigid fitting section

  1. Step 7a: Fitting with Phenix dock in map protocol (details in modeling tutorial) and protocol appendix)

Phenix dock in map (step 7.a)

  1. Step 8a: Completing fitting (if needed) with ChimeraX rigid fit protocol (details in modeling tutorial and protocol appendix)

ChimeraX rigid fit (step 8.a)

Complete the fitting and save the fitted atomic structure in Scipion with the next command lines:

  • fitmap #3 inMap #2
  • scipionwrite #3 prefix Hgb_alpha_