Model_building_of_human_Hgb_beta_subunit - I2PC/scipion-courses GitHub Wiki

Once we have the refined atomic structure of the human Hgb alpha-subunit, the beta-subunit should being modeled in a similar way. Follow the next workflow steps and repeat the process to generate the structure of the human Hgb beta-subunit, highligthed in the general workflow and detailed below. Take into account UniPROTKB sequence IDs and recommendations for the human Hgb beta-subunit in modeling tutorial and do not forget to validate your structure (validation steps are omitted in this schema).


To get the homology model of the haemoglobin beta subunit follow the same steps applied to get the first model of the alpha subunit (Scipion protocol chimerax-model from template. Complete the small form to get access to Modeller:

Modeller menu (step 6.b)

Once you have the retrieved models, select one of them, for instance #3.2. Realize that in this case you are going to have HEME groups also: Modeller menu (step 6.b)

Delete the additional HEME group and save the model anyway:

1.- Rename model #3.2 as #4.

  • rename #3.2 id #4

2.- Save chain A of the renamed model in tmp folder.

  • save /tmp/chainA.cif format mmcif models #4

3.- Open saved chain A as model #4; hide the rest of the models and observe that HEME group is still missing.

  • open /tmp/chainA.cif

4.- Select the extra HEME group and delete it.

  • select #4/A:148

  • del sel

5.- Save this new model #4 as the beya subunit of the human Haemoglobin.

  • scipionwrite #4 prefix Hgb_beta_