Intro_to_AWS - I2PC/scipion-courses GitHub Wiki

Instructions to join breakout rooms:

  • First: Close the creation rooms window

    Close window

  • Second: Ask for help in the Public Chat

    Ask for help

  • Third: One of the mentors will answer in the Public Chat to join in a breakout room (number will be indicated)

  • Fourth: Join to the room indicated clicking Join room

    Join room

  • Fifth: Now you are in a breakout room (number 1). Close the tap of the breakout room to leave it and click the blue telephone icon (button in the lower part of the screen)

    Join room

How to access to the remote desktop

Software is executed in a remote machine


Access through a browser

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Live example, Open poll, provide IP/passwd using chat

Scipion intro

live demo:

  • create new project

  • show three main areas

  • import data for Hemoglobin: EMD-3488 (/home/scipion/data/TACAN/EMD-31441), PDB 1PBX, Uniprot P69905. Finally open sequence and 3D map in chimera and use scipionwrite. Help: Importing data in Scipion