Chain_merge_symmetrization - I2PC/scipion-courses GitHub Wiki

Modeling workflow to built the structure of the asymmetric unit and the structure of the whole molecule of the human Hgb by applying symmetry (detailed in the general modeling workflow):

Merging and symmetrization workflow

  1. Step 11a: Merging of chains A and B of human Hgb alpha and beta subunits, respectively, with ChimeraX operate protocol (details in modeling tutorial)

Merging of chains A and B (step 11.a)

If you want to have HBA-refined and HBB_refined (red arrows 2 and 3, respectively) go for instructions to Fig. 13.2 of the modeling tutorial.

Once you have opened the ChimeraX GUI, merge the chains A and B and save the final asymmetric unit writing in the command line:

  • scipioncombine #3,4
  • scipionwrite #5 prefix asymmetric_unit_model_

  1. Step 12a: Manual flexible fitting with CCP4 Coot, if needed, in the overlapping area between chains A and B

CCP4 Coot flexible fitting (step 12.a)

  1. Step 13a: Automatic flexible fitting with Phenix Real space refine, if needed, in the overlapping area between chains A and B

Phenix Real space refine (step 13.a)

  1. Step 14a: Building of the whole human Hgb molecule by applying symmetry to the asymmetric unit with ChimeraX operate protocol (details in modeling tutorial)

Whole human Hgb molecule (step 14.a)

Once you have opened the ChimeraX GUI, apply symmetry, rename chains and save the whole structure as a unique model writing in the command line:

  • sym #3 C2 copies true

Now change the names of chains in model #4.2

  • sel #4.2/A
  • changechains sel C
  • sel #4.2/B
  • changechains sel D
  • combine #4
  • scipionwrite #5 prefix whole_model_

  1. Step 15a: Manual flexible fitting with CCP4 Coot, if needed, in the overlapping area between asymmetric units

CCP4 Coot flexible fitting (step 15.a)

  1. Step 16a: Automatic flexible fitting with Phenix Real space refine, if needed, in the overlapping area between asymmetric units

Phenix Real space refine (step 16.a)

Once we have the asymmetric unit or the whole macromolecule modeled, we can submit our map and model to databases.


List of atom-atom interactions across protein-protein interface

                 PDB code: 5ni1   Chains A }{ B

Hydrogen bonds

       <----- A T O M   1 ----->       <----- A T O M   2 ----->

       Atom Atom Res  Res              Atom Atom Res  Res
        no. name name no.  Chain        no. name name no.  Chain  Distance
  1.    224  NH1 ARG   31    A   <-->  2049  OE1 GLN  127    B      2.89
  2.    225  NH2 ARG   31    A   <-->  2006  O   PHE  122    B      3.02
  3.    782  NE2 HIS  103    A   <-->  2081  NE2 GLN  131    B      2.99
  4.    858  O   PRO  114    A   <-->  1959  NE2 HIS  116    B      2.75
  5.    879  O   PHE  117    A   <-->  1292  NH2 ARG   30    B      2.94
  6.    919  ND1 HIS  122    A   <-->  1291  NH1 ARG   30    B      3.27

Non-bonded contacts

       <----- A T O M   1 ----->       <----- A T O M   2 ----->

       Atom Atom Res  Res              Atom Atom Res  Res
        no. name name no.  Chain        no. name name no.  Chain  Distance
  1.    219  CB  ARG   31    A   <-->  2049  OE1 GLN  127    B      3.30
  2.    220  CG  ARG   31    A   <-->  2049  OE1 GLN  127    B      3.09
  3.    221  CD  ARG   31    A   <-->  2049  OE1 GLN  127    B      3.16
  4.    223  CZ  ARG   31    A   <-->  2006  O   PHE  122    B      3.82
  5.    223  CZ  ARG   31    A   <-->  2049  OE1 GLN  127    B      3.83
  6.    224  NH1 ARG   31    A   <-->  2006  O   PHE  122    B      3.69
  7.    224  NH1 ARG   31    A   <-->  2046  CB  GLN  127    B      3.72
  8.    224  NH1 ARG   31    A   <-->  2048  CD  GLN  127    B      3.74
  9.    224  NH1 ARG   31    A   <-->  2049  OE1 GLN  127    B      2.89
 10.    225  NH2 ARG   31    A   <-->  2006  O   PHE  122    B      3.02
 11.    251  CD1 LEU   34    A   <-->  2025  CB  PRO  124    B      3.42
 12.    258  OG  SER   35    A   <-->  2048  CD  GLN  127    B      3.78
 13.    258  OG  SER   35    A   <-->  2050  NE2 GLN  127    B      3.74
 14.    778  CG  HIS  103    A   <-->  1901  ND2 ASN  108    B      3.67
 15.    779  ND1 HIS  103    A   <-->  1898  CB  ASN  108    B      3.88
 16.    779  ND1 HIS  103    A   <-->  1899  CG  ASN  108    B      3.87
 17.    779  ND1 HIS  103    A   <-->  1901  ND2 ASN  108    B      3.37
 18.    780  CD2 HIS  103    A   <-->  2081  NE2 GLN  131    B      3.76
 19.    781  CE1 HIS  103    A   <-->  1897  O   ASN  108    B      3.56
 20.    781  CE1 HIS  103    A   <-->  1898  CB  ASN  108    B      3.61
 21.    781  CE1 HIS  103    A   <-->  1899  CG  ASN  108    B      3.63
 22.    781  CE1 HIS  103    A   <-->  1901  ND2 ASN  108    B      3.55
 23.    782  NE2 HIS  103    A   <-->  2081  NE2 GLN  131    B      2.99
 24.    811  CG2 VAL  107    A   <-->  1929  SG  CYS  112    B      3.86
 25.    830  O   ALA  110    A   <-->  1948  O   ALA  115    B      3.68
 26.    830  O   ALA  110    A   <-->  1951  CA  HIS  116    B      3.64
 27.    833  CA  ALA  111    A   <-->  1948  O   ALA  115    B      3.66
 28.    835  O   ALA  111    A   <-->  1983  C   GLY  119    B      3.89
 29.    836  CB  ALA  111    A   <-->  1984  O   GLY  119    B      3.62
 30.    846  NE2 HIS  112    A   <-->  1993  NZ  LYS  120    B      3.77
 31.    856  CA  PRO  114    A   <-->  1957  CD2 HIS  116    B      3.72
 32.    856  CA  PRO  114    A   <-->  1959  NE2 HIS  116    B      3.71
 33.    857  C   PRO  114    A   <-->  1959  NE2 HIS  116    B      3.58
 34.    858  O   PRO  114    A   <-->  1957  CD2 HIS  116    B      3.59
 35.    858  O   PRO  114    A   <-->  1958  CE1 HIS  116    B      3.77
 36.    858  O   PRO  114    A   <-->  1959  NE2 HIS  116    B      2.75
 37.    879  O   PHE  117    A   <-->  1290  CZ  ARG   30    B      3.69
 38.    879  O   PHE  117    A   <-->  1291  NH1 ARG   30    B      3.65
 39.    879  O   PHE  117    A   <-->  1292  NH2 ARG   30    B      2.94
 40.    889  C   THR  118    A   <-->  1291  NH1 ARG   30    B      3.65
 41.    889  C   THR  118    A   <-->  1292  NH2 ARG   30    B      3.86
 42.    890  O   THR  118    A   <-->  1291  NH1 ARG   30    B      3.79
 43.    894  N   PRO  119    A   <-->  1290  CZ  ARG   30    B      3.83
 44.    894  N   PRO  119    A   <-->  1291  NH1 ARG   30    B      3.41
 45.    894  N   PRO  119    A   <-->  1292  NH2 ARG   30    B      3.63
 46.    895  CA  PRO  119    A   <-->  1291  NH1 ARG   30    B      3.37
 47.    899  CG  PRO  119    A   <-->  1290  CZ  ARG   30    B      3.84
 48.    899  CG  PRO  119    A   <-->  1292  NH2 ARG   30    B      3.82
 49.    899  CG  PRO  119    A   <-->  1498  CE  MET   55    B      3.35
 50.    900  CD  PRO  119    A   <-->  1290  CZ  ARG   30    B      3.85
 51.    900  CD  PRO  119    A   <-->  1292  NH2 ARG   30    B      3.40
 52.    917  CB  HIS  122    A   <-->  1291  NH1 ARG   30    B      3.39
 53.    918  CG  HIS  122    A   <-->  1291  NH1 ARG   30    B      3.78
 54.    918  CG  HIS  122    A   <-->  1322  CG2 VAL   34    B      3.89
 55.    919  ND1 HIS  122    A   <-->  1288  CD  ARG   30    B      3.75
 56.    919  ND1 HIS  122    A   <-->  1291  NH1 ARG   30    B      3.27
 57.    948  OD1 ASP  126    A   <-->  1334  OH  TYR   35    B      3.51

Number of hydrogen bonds:          6

Number of non-bonded contacts:    57

List of atom-atom interactions across protein-protein interface

                 PDB code: 5ni1   Chains A }{ C

Hydrogen bonds

       <----- A T O M   1 ----->       <----- A T O M   2 ----->

       Atom Atom Res  Res              Atom Atom Res  Res
        no. name name no.  Chain        no. name name no.  Chain  Distance
  1.      1  N   VAL    1    A   <-->  3229  OG  SER  138    C      2.81
  2.   1036  OG  SER  138    A   <-->  2195  N   VAL    1    C      2.82

Non-bonded contacts

       <----- A T O M   1 ----->       <----- A T O M   2 ----->

       Atom Atom Res  Res              Atom Atom Res  Res
        no. name name no.  Chain        no. name name no.  Chain  Distance
  1.      1  N   VAL    1    A   <-->  3228  CB  SER  138    C      3.26
  2.      1  N   VAL    1    A   <-->  3229  OG  SER  138    C      2.81
  3.     20  CB  SER    3    A   <-->  3233  O   LYS  139    C      3.80
  4.    958  NZ  LYS  127    A   <-->  3233  O   LYS  139    C      3.69
  5.   1035  CB  SER  138    A   <-->  2195  N   VAL    1    C      3.26
  6.   1036  OG  SER  138    A   <-->  2195  N   VAL    1    C      2.82
  7.   1040  O   LYS  139    A   <-->  2214  CB  SER    3    C      3.80
  8.   1040  O   LYS  139    A   <-->  3151  NZ  LYS  127    C      3.70

Number of hydrogen bonds:          2

Number of non-bonded contacts:     8