AgendaJune2023 - I2PC/scipion-courses GitHub Wiki

Schedule and contents

*First Day:

[ * Extra 90 min: Welcome and presentation of the course, dynamics and mentors, introduction to scipion and aws. (if we are the first ones)]

  • 11:30:

    • Introduction to model building in cryo-EM (th-M)
    • How to get a first estimation of the model (homology, alphafold, modelangelo) (th-M)
  • 12:15:

    • Presentation of the data used in the practical session
    • Kahoot (R)
  • 12:45 min: Map preprocessing (p-R)

  • 13:30: lunch

  • 14:30: getting a first estimate of the model (th-M)

  • 16:00 coffee break

  • 16:30: Structure analysis: Structure comparison (M)

  • 17:00: Rigid fitting of initial models (M)

  • 18:00-30: End of the day

*Secons day:

  • 9:30: Review of the previous day and kahoot. (M)
  • 10:00: Flexible fitting I (R-coot)
  • 11:00: Break
  • 11:30: Flexible fitting (continuation) and validation (M-phenix)
  • 13:30: lunch
  • 14:30: Flexible fitting (continuation) and validation (cont) (M-phenix)
  • 16:00: coffee break
  • 16:30: Model building of the Beta sub-unit
  • 18:00-30: end of the day

*third day:

  • 9:30: Review of the previous day and kahoot. (M)
  • 10:00: Presentation of the course questionnaire (R)
  • 10:15: Building the model of the protein complex (M-join chains)
  • 11:00: Coffee Break
  • 11:30: Submission of structures (R-EMDB report) *
  • 12:00: Structure analysis: Chain contacts (R)
  • 13:00: INSTRUCT short message and farewell
  • 13:30: lunch and end of the day