3. PROBLEM DEFINITION - I-div-Even-2021/Repo-12 GitHub Wiki

1. Problem Definition

Need statement:

RA is a robotics-based company working on a pick and place robot that can pick and place the objects of various shapes and sizes and places in the required positions.

1.1 Question and answer

Sl.No Questions Answer Objective/function/constraint
1. Should the machine be affordable? Yes Objective
2. How many wipes do you want it to collect at once? 3 wipes Constraint
3. What should be the dimensions of the machine? 1ft x 1f tx 1ft Constraint
4. What will be the maximum weight you want it to lift? 320 grams Constraint
5. Why do you need this machine? To lift wipes? Function
6. Do you want the machine to be user friendly? Yes Objective
7. Do you want the indication whether the machine is in ON/OFF mode? Yes Function
8. Where do you want it to place the wipes? To the required place Objective
9. Machine should be fixed or portable? The machine should be portable Objective
10. From which the material you want your machine to be made of? Fiber Constraint
11. What should be the maximum weight of the machine? Atleast 1 kg Constraint
12. Do you want the machine to work with minimum error and maximum accuracy? Yes Function
13. Do you want it to detect the wipes? Yes Function
14. Do you want it to count the number of wipes it has placed? Yes Function
15. Do you want horizontal and vertical movement of the arm? Yes Function

1.2 Basic Survey and requirements

Sl.No. Observation from surveys Requirements
1 Time taken to pick and place an object. 10 to 15 sec
2 Material used to build machine. Hard and light weight
3 Power supply to the machine. It should work with minimum power
4 Size of the machine. As minimum as possible
5 Weight of machine. It should be light weight but durable

1.3 Identifying Client's Objectives

Step 1: Prepare a list of design objectives

Sl.No. Objectives
1 Machine should be affordable
2 Machine should be user friendly.
3 Machine should be portable.
4 Machine should be light weight

Problem definition version 1.1 :-

Design a machine which is light weight, portable, affordable and user friendly.

1.4 Identify constraints

Step 1: Prepare a list of design constraints

SL.No. Constraints
1 Machine should collect 3 wipes at a time.
2 Machine should be able to weigh a weight of at least 320gms.
3 Machine should be made up of fiber.
4 Machine should weigh at least 1Kg.
5 Machine should have the dimensions of 1ft x 1f tx 1ft.

Problem definition version 1.2 :-

Design a machine which is light weight, portable, affordable and user friendly. The machine should be able to collect three wipes at a time and should be able to carry a weight of 320gm, machine should be made up of fibre and should weigh at least 1kg and it should have dimension of 1ftx1ftx1ft.

1.5 Establish Functions

Step 1: Prepare a list of design functions

Sl.No. Functions
1 Detect the wipes.
2 Hold the wipes.
3 Lift the wipes.
4 Place the wipes to the required place.
5 Display the number of wipes placed.
6 Horizontal and vertical movement of the arm.
7 Indicate whether the machine is ON/OFF.

Problem definition version 1.3 :-

Design a machine which is light weight, portable, affordable and user friendly. The machine should be able to collect three wipes at a time and should be able to carry a weight of 320gm, machine should be made up of fibre and should weigh at least 1kg and it should have dimension of 1ftx1ftx1ft. The machine should detect the wipes, hold the wipes, lift them and finally place them to the required place. It should also display the number of wipes it has placed. It should allow horizontal and vertical movement of the arm.