4. Concept Generation - I-Division-2021-2022-Even/Repo-15 GitHub Wiki

4.1 Establishing Functions

Table 1:List of identified functions.

Sl. no. Functions
1 Provide Compartment to store item
2 Provide puzzle
3 Give instructions of puzzle
4 Ask user to solve puzzle
5 Accept user input
6 Check the solution
7 Open the box automatically if the puzzle is solved
8 Alert the user when the box is open
9 Illuminate inside box on opening
10 Stop the puzzle after three attempts
11 Close and lock the box

4.2 Function Tree


4.3 Functional Clustering


4.4 Sub Systems Identified


2.Puzzle solving unit

3.Open/Close mechanism

4.4 Establishing Means – Morphological Chart

Serial No. Sub functions Means 1 Means 2 Means 3 Means 4
1 Provide compartment to store item Stacked Side ways open lid Add drawers
2 Sense item IR sensor ultrasonic sensor Proximity sensor  
3 Alert user with buzzer with burglar alarm beep sound LED display
4 Ask user to solve puzzle LCD display      
5 Give Instructions of puzzle LCD display written instructions     
6 Accept user input with the help of keys using joystick using switches using buttons
7 Check for right solution Logical gates      
8 Open the box if the puzzle is solved top ways sideways Screw cap slide compartment
9 Alert the user when the box is open by illuminating light by using buzzer using burglar alarm beep sound
10 Illuminate inside box on opening using led lights    
11 Stop the puzzle after three attempts aurdino       
12 Lock the box after closing using gears provide key servo meter  

4.5 Generated Concepts

Design - 1-Lottery Box

. . . 710838da-d11f-4221-9cea-2cc20304c8c1 9b05ef75-7c07-493e-ad56-73010ae40bd5 . . .

Design - 2-Guess the Number

. . . a49cf116-38c9-4d72-ba93-e95b09b4ec46 . . .

Design - 3-Temple Game

. . . 2f9c3bc5-4ed9-4659-a04d-b6285c412754 . . .

Design - 4-Helix Jump

. . .
