Home - Hywel-Stoakes/EmuRSummerSchool GitHub Wiki
Welcome to the EmuR Summer School Workshop wiki!
This will be editable by anyone and we can add as much or as little as we like. This is public space which anyone who has access to this repo can edit.
The wiki can hold code snippets and longer tutorials too which can be added by making a new page.
To use any of these guides you will need a working copy of R and ideally an installation of Rstudio. You can also use Rstudio Cloud if you have a fast internet connection - please see the sidebar for links
For further information see the Emu SDMS Manual by Raphael Winkelmann: https://ips-lmu.github.io/The-EMU-SDMS-Manual/
A great general resource for using R for Data Science is R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham (read online at: https://r4ds.had.co.nz)
Step 1. Installation
Step 2. Load the EmuR library