Console usage - Hyrules/WinHue GitHub Wiki

Usage: whc.exe -flags

You must have done the pairing with WinHue at least once before using this command.

Sending command to the bridge required that you use the ID of the element you want to change and not the name.

General Options:

Flags Description
-h, --help Show options and exit
-l, --light=ID Select the light mode.
-g, --group=ID Select the group mode.
-sn,--scene=ID Select the scene mode.
-sc,--sensor=ID Select the sensor mode.
--bridge Select the bridge mode.
--create_group Create a new group.
--listlights List the available lights
--listgroups List the available groups

Options for light mode :

Flags Description
--on=VALUE Select the state value true/false
--hue=VALUE Select the color value from 0 to 65535
--sat=VALUE Select the saturation value from 0 to 255.
--bri=VALUE Select the brightness value from 0 to 255.
--tt=VALUE Set the transition time for the actual command in multiple of 100ms
--effect=VALUE Select the effect to apply to the group : none or colorloop
--alert=VALUE The alert effect is a temporary change to the bulb state. Options are : none , select, lselect
--rename=VALUE Rename the selected light
--bri_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the brightness -254 to 254.
--hue_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the hue -65535 to 65534.
--sat_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the saturation -254 to 254.
--ct_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the color temperature -65534 to 65534
--x_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the X color space -0.5 to 0.5
--y_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the Y color space -0.5 to 0.5

Options for group mode :

Flags Description
--on=VALUE Select the state value true/false.
--hue=VALUE Select the color value from 0 to 65535.
--sat=VALUE Select the saturation value from 0 to 255.
--bri=VALUE Select the brightness value from 0 to 255.
--tt=VALUE Set the transition time for the actual command in multiple of 100ms.
--alert=VALUE The alert effect is a temporary change to the bulb state. Options are : none , select, lselect
--effect=VALUE Select the effect to apply to the group : none or colorloop.
--delete Delete the selected group.
--bri_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the brightness -254 to 254.
--hue_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the hue -65535 to 65534.
--sat_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the saturation -254 to 254.
--ct_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the color temperature -65534 to 65534
--x_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the X color space -0.5 to 0.5
--y_inc=VALUE Incrementor for the Y color space -0.5 to 0.5

Options for create_group mode :

Flags Description
--lights=VALUE Select the lights to add to the group separated by ','.Eg.lights=1,2,3
--name=VALUE Set the name of the group.

Options for the bridge :

Flags Description
--get_config Display the configuration of the bridge. (excluding the whitelist)